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FNORD The new Cold War in the era of the internet. How the Democratic party of the United States was infiltrated by Communists, a personal experience of targeted censorship & why this matters. YA OGA | begin this report with a disclaimer: If Conservatives do not get a handle on this situation, you will not be able to win another fair election ever again. | am very ANTI-government regulation, but when one party is gaming the system, there needs to be strict guidelines and an IBOR to protect constituents from conglomerates being able to control the minds of the public. There is a formula for communist takeover of a country, and it goes like this: Overtake academia using Rudi Dutschke model Take control of the media Infiltrate labor unions & social causes Demoralize the populace Make Western Christian cultural values taboo & ban them Allow far-left ideals while censoring opposing points of view Push degeneracy to further demoralize a populace Disarm the populace Import violent old-world cultures that are easier to control Pass anti-dissent laws Install communist dictator We are at war, a covert war where our enemies use our own courts and system against us. In this war, we have had a casualty, an entire party has been infiltrated from within with Communists. Whatever classical liberal Democrats USED to be, they allowed their party to be taken over by communists like a cancer that destroys from the inside out. The way they operate is very formulaic, and in doing so they have exposed their plan to anyone who is actually paying attention. The below map is the ONLY map that should concern you & the future of free people. SUMMARY The Internet is a network of computers not owned by any one nation or international body, it is decentralized, it truly is the definition of freedom of ideas The Internet is therefore comparable, from the user's viewpoint, to a telephone service, a vast public forum providing an opportunity to speak and/or learn about issues of great public concer. If one side of the political spectrum found a way to manipulate this vast collective of free-thinking people, not only would these platforms be at risk, but the very future of mankind and our God-given right to think & speak freely would be at risk This report will offer evidence to prove that the political Left Wing Socialist-Communist party has effectively hijacked the Democratic party and solved the problem of having to deal with opposing opinions by becoming the “only game in town” for internet, communication then quickly changing the rules and terms of service to reflect a more EU-compliant Communistic model while enjoying the benefits of American stock market valuations and tax cuts. ihm Lettist-controlled Twitter and Democrat CEO Jack Dorsey are gaming the political system and controlling the narrative non-organically by allowing leftists to bully conservatives with no repercussions. Twitter has essentially defined hate speech as "anything Conservative", which gives any outside observer the appearance that the “majority” is against anyone or anything Conservative. This is 100% planned and executed from the top. The following is just a small preview of the over 2GB of proof of political bias on ‘Twitter, YouTube, Reddit & Facebook, where over 92% of Americans 18-45 get their news. @SivoralsLuck @Hurt74 Tm not crying at all ‘The opposite. happy she was harassed. Fuck her ang her shit family © soEe we Om 8 Anderson Cooper ® < Ts Oh Really? You endorsed him you tool! Pathetic loser. Oa Qo ee & heen say Genny 2m e raandy Hove working a the post ofc Columbus, Ohio and ripping up absentee ballots tht vot for rump (wre) Anayersntnouyt i he MASSACRE, youf __ ing Fox whore? sanroner 818 PPOCOOLO® =e =a. How about a day without a F ING GUN You are a national embarrassment. I's like you have no idea how to even fake being a lormal human being. You are the proud type of insane, . " B2esQv00 This was my personal Twitter account ek 188K S8TK Bak Tweets Twos repos Mia —— s ter ‘era tn = If Hillary can't even enforce a no-fly Zone venyounp Teens ate Fe eae ee eee Before Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was intimidated into shadowbanning and silencing conservatives, my account was a pro-Trump “meme” account based out of Austin TX. I made it a point to never post threats or even any violent words, because | feel as though | represent Trump conservatives and | wouldn't want to embarrass them. While 33k organic followers is not as many as most, | curated those followers to reflect people who | trusted and knew. | also knew how to reply to popular threads and get views, which is why | totalled almost 1M tweet impressions per day. ‘@Sking Robbo a Your Tweet activity Your Tweatactity ot om one Ge noeooEs Iwas even retweeted and replied to by our future President on Nov. 20, 2015. Which led to a follow by General Flynn, which allowed me to help with the Wikileaks emails. i etre Pron Right before the election, | noticed my RTs and likes fall off. October 11 2016, | was restricted for posting a tweet about Hillary Clinton's coughing ft. At first | thought it was a joke or a mistake, something picked up by a program that would be fixed once | appealed. Then | got this email After this email, | set up over 22 accounts that have all been banned for “hate speech” or “automated bot behavior” which | now know is a full IP shadowban and suspension. ‘Anyone who tries to set up an account from my IP will be autobanned, and | can supply video proof to show this, so | am essentially restricted from even making a Twitter account. The only subject | have ever tweeted on is politics, and there have never been threats or hate speech from my account, only true, provable tweets about Democrats. FACEBOOK | started posting more on Facebook once | was stripped from the right to make an account on Twitter. In the short time from Summer 2016 to around March 2017, | had built up a pretty large conservative audience - all organically. No hate speech, no calls to violence, just truth. ‘This we uad 2,225,357 More Resch. Less Money. wen \ S000 a a Facebook then began to throttle my account, which means that instead of allowing my posts to reach people's pages, they would hide them from people who might be interested in them. Below is evidence of Facebook staff actually shadowbanning me for political speech. Reactions, Comments, and Shares (On October 26th, 2016 eaciors — Conmerts — Shores BENCHMARK Facebook throttled my ‘account just as > hit 15k: engagement fel to under 5k, By October 30th, 2016, and in an election year ona political page that is not possible \yithout human intervention, Week of 2016 Presidential Election [Engagement at ZERO. a ee Facebook staff not only throttled my political page, they began what | call “punishment” for being so politically active on social media on my personal page. That is the only reason | can think of that my non-offensive political speech is being silenced and banned in America in 2018 ital began with a message from Facebook about a “virus scan”, whieh {have si giving Facebook the abity {0 track posts in realtime fo lag for hate speech or After this, anything even remotely conservative was either removed, unable to be shared by my followers and friends, or | got banned for 30 days from contacting any of my friends or family on Facebook. It's really hopeless when this happens, and could throw anyone with a weaker disposition into a full depressive episode, especially if they are already isolated and use Facebook as their primary means of communication with family and friends. This is why | call it my “punishment” for these posts: leamed was a trojan horse tical speech and ban me, eee 2 OPetepnio 2, JWheape), BEketen fave Deep sate enact mver “Gan debate quests blend 2588 ‘a Ht Powe etn neni Post. conn Tmo Oona | Itmston rough Ses, ea ig. suvaince ot “up J--she'san Egyptian wo tends wih Huma Abed actwhose | | oponeres i's ¥ dh Dead Vis» fv, Pay Pay unas ey stands prescott Teo, Smucuost . asi ee ben renee Derr ate ating a ty of @ (cma eases and ts? Why wou any Aneta War nee aa Se cs ea uy MAS an ct Yano gun lens” he would ovary avebee he ONC pte fr gin nel king my or 2 a arene igs Thats ease pater Imo tat tcp tyne re cette ae ee ory moe onan en Oe beat ais oth Rea rages the negpe 9 ‘lanes Se oncom Tn pene FoRERD Feet sopra pins eget WTO NMED NTA wang ‘Sear ro ef etre et rove LA in Remove amen ou Pos ‘Tone nephew on sho amet ‘nevus are nels caoprmenens oral gon fs ‘Sr nee kgs my wees ae eet tonne ie sn Comet rs ‘stra rang wpe bang yt och — Meanie wn Use a prt i er SE [Bom Reseed ond en tesa en pe iaccanac ncaa ceeerageinee eee Recmamanrr eon 0999 o Immediately after posting a pro-Trump message or video, | would be harassed by liberal accounts. At first | thought it might be coincidence, but as you can see, they all sent messages about 1 video that | posted, the offices of Hillary supporter & Philadelphia Union Boss being raided by the FBI. (ae Yes, he was a real police + officer. He told me a Facebook user reported me for sending death threats. | asked for proof which he never sent and then told me it was all —<— ceared up. have over 25,000 Facebook followers along with 5,000 friends. While | am not the biggest page, my reach is 100% organic and | would never be able to curate such a conservative audience if | was hateful or posting death threats. As | got these messages, | would screenshot and block the users. Soon, however, they caught wind of my tactic and started a new one - 30 day bans for posting pro-Trump messages or anything that was anti-Shariah, anti-Obama or pro-gun. In the same time period, Facebook allowed the following posts, even after | reported them numerous times. In fact, the accounts are still up and not restricted. ———- eo @ ime 4 i 00921 tee? an eet (Diogu aoe unt egy ppm ae Fem nme ee settee nang escent ent et ren Magieocyren cous pp Conse Snir tersporwsegon eee e90: eb Nice | cantstand Trump atall and would things ifitwould mean that think that whoever the ins the nomination will gat my vote. With that being said Republican looking atine possibiliy of an open Se Biocktne TRominaton -history making to say the least! Like - Reply - 426 - March 5 at 11:36am HH] Christi cianitjustcame across. ‘someone's post tat Trump would so bbe impeachable ithe were to win. And thats Justa sad state of afairs were int really do hope his nomination is blocked! Like - Reply - 1294 - March 5 at athe Resty 96-8 mm i enontaven cae sme Coninn Was Soecmncomnec” See == eon ta ware rcclgee; ese ae Se vie ear x i cen merci ee BW Scrolumintran, onstage annonce Gr'noy Or tom Ih scope ane enon WHAT IS THE GOAL? My story is not unique. Hundreds of thousands of conservative users with small and mid-sized followings are being bullied and silenced on Facebook, Reddit, Twitter and Youtube by feminist, pro-Shariah, pro-Communism leftist speech police From Diamond and Silk to pro-Bemie groups, any ideas that go against the approved mainstream democratic narrative are being silenced & removed, the equivalent of a digital book burning happening right in front of our eyes by people who could care less about free speech and the Constitution. So why do they do it? What is the end goal of these social media companies and mainstream media pundits who claim to be beacons of truth and freedom while being the exact opposite? TOTAL CONTROL. There are currently over 1,000 California-based Anti-America, anti-Conservative pro-Marxism groups growing and thriving on social media and at universities on American soil. The people who run and own all of the social media companies are openly and blatantly creating an environment of complete and utter control over dissenting voices. While right now these people aren't in actual power, they are building an infrastructure that Stalin would envy, and once they gain even a modicum of power they will not hesitate to use it to squelch free speech in America and worldwide forever. (ae pea Ktireese ote ene enneeenoneeennneeets eeeeeneneeenonntete eteeeetttttitttete eeeeeeegeeeeenetts as ess (at SETHE EN HOHHHONNOONE Pesci eteneeeeeeeeeeetett sereseneenenenenentt eenenenenneneneneny sereednnenenenentitt Heteeenenentstntttt How leftist Democrats & Communists are violating American free speech laws while participating in political speech by silencing conservative viewpoints to give the public a curated view of “public opinion” that fits within their narrative. Location: CA cho 48 99% Leftist anti- Jack Dorsey, CEO American hire ONLY Pro-Marxist Democrat _(pro-Globalism) likeminded Pro Black Lives Matter (pro-tsiam) Democrats & (Democrats) ppro-shariah MANAGEMENT leftists who they ay to “police hate speech’ Location: CA 99% Leftist anti- ‘American hire ONLY Mark Zuckerberg, CEO (pr0-Globalism) likeminded Pro-Marxist Democrat (pro-Islam) Democrats & Pro Black Lives Matter (Democrats) pro-shariah leftists MANAGEMENT who they pay to police hate speech fectively silence while allowing vile bullying from like-minded leftists y Public Platform (what everyone sees) nservative viewpoints wordwide user-base of over 2 Billion total people teeteteeeeereetetitt S fetteeteetettetttett fetteeettettitetttt = fetteeeteeeeeeeetete fetteeeteettetttttt Allowing only curated viewpoints that align with leftist Istamofascist and Communist ideals, you can see how the curated site does NOT reflect reality. These people are silencing any opinion that goes against their viewpoint and are allowing bullying from the left to trick the average user into thinking that any idea or viewpoint that goes against the status quo (curated by Marxists) is taboo and should not even be uttered. This ly 1 effectively silence conservative viewpoints while allowing vile bullying from a lieminded letists is textbook Communism, wordwide user-base of over 2 Billion total people feeteetteetttetetete fetteeeteeeetetetete teeeeeeeeeeeeeetete feeeeteteeetitiiiitt teeteteteeeeeeeetete This is a well thought out and planned war of attrition. The demoralization that conservative Americans are having to deal with on a daily basis from an army of leftist paid shills and bots has funding and has leaders, much like the IRS scandal. My organization and | have put together a list of over 1,000 CEOs, journalists, twitter personalities, Shareblue and MMFA staff, ThinkProgress writers, and resisters who have committed sedition on behalf of communist organizations. However, because the DOJ is neutered with Jeff Sessions at the helm, we will wait until someone with courage to go after these traitors is put in at the DOJ to submit our list (or they will continue to subvert Americans) In a war of attrition, the side with the most resources wins. Unless our side wakes up and realizes what we are dealing with, we will no longer have the freedom to communicate freely online or in public. This is what they are planning on According to Pew Research below, people from the ages of 18 to 65 get the majority of their news from Facebook and Twitter. Add all of the blue “leftist’ media organizations whose only mission is to subvert conservative voters, and you have a formula for control like no other seen in the history of the world. This is why so many are misinformed. nm SEE utwitter ug ‘Source for Political News 9s who got news about politics and government in the previous week from. CODEWORDS FOR SUBVER: LI Like most fascist and communist regimes, they would never get away with what they plan if they told the truth, so they use codewords and symbols like the Twitter “verified” checkmark as a dog whistle to other fascists while subverting the population, They confuse us on purpose, claiming to be tolerant while they act the complete opposite. This is by design. Below are a few words that decode their very public propaganda, and until conservatives understand that these words are used by Communist operatives to push their cause, we will be useless against their tricks. Whatever these words USED to mean is not what they mean nowadays: Hate Speech - Anything that the left deems pro-Christian or anti-islam American values Equality - freedom for people of any color except white Christians or Conservatives Journalism - any story written by “the club”, a group of blue-checkmarked journalists most notorious for their “JournoList™” which has surely gotten bigger. Terms of Service - their most powerful weapon, the left changes these all the time to excuse the stifling of free speech and shut down entire groups of conservatives Fake News - any news that is pro-Trump, questions the intel agencies, or isn't vetted by liberal “journalists” Fact Checker - bought & paid-for liberal stooges who run “fact checking” websites that are more liberal propaganda controlled by Democrats Diversity - any race except white people (which is the definition of racism) White Supremacist- person who goes against the liberal narrative (see Kanye) Anti-Racist - a liberal who plays with language so they can be the fascist Racist & Racism - Any idea, object, or subject right of middle on the political spectrum Alt-Right - Term pushed by Democrats to dehumanize and fracture Republican party Hate Posting - posting patriotism and pro-American or pro-Christian posts online Misogynist- a way for female communists to silence people who question them Minority/POC - divide & conquer tactic used to frame white Christians as the enemy Bullying - tactic used to silence opposing views, see Candace Owens' story about her anti-bullying software to see why the people complaining about bullying are in fact the bullies “We're working on it” - used by social media companies to deflect until their side gains power There's many more that just won't fit here, but these are the most widely used. Pair their clever use of language, their infiltration of both the news media and social media, and their proven track record of banning dissenting voices, and you can see why these organizations cannot and will not police themselves and are the perfect example of the enemy from within. Total public opinion control ‘Total media control. Censorship of dissenting voices. Unlimited resources. Above the law. Using code and language to communicate. Accuse the enemy of that which you are doing Bullying and intimidating political opponents. Spying on dissidents No | didn't just describe Hitler's Germany, but the Silicommunists of Silicon Valley & NY. This brings me back to my original statement about the Democratic party of the United States being taken over by hostile foreign-paid actors posing as a political party with clever use of language and “terms of service” to subvert American voices. We now have a situation where unless something is done that is both swift and drastic, there will be no going back because anyone who speaks up will be silenced and erased like they have done to me and my Twitter presence. The youth will be so indoctrinated by the leftist-controlled media and academia that they will no longer fight for American values and gladly take a selfie with their iPhone as they sign their rights away, Language and semantics will be the sheath, and our own pc culture will be the sword that will be used to decapitate Western values and culture.

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