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To our beloved parents, teachers, guests, to my fellow

graduates, to everyone who gathered with us in this special occasion,
a warm morning to all. We are here today to witness, as we the
graduates march our way out of our previous journey and proceed
into another chapter of our life. Today’s event could be once in a
lifetime experience for we only age just once, for us to march here in
front and receive our certificates proving that we have fulfill our
duties, and ready for the complexity of growing up being opposed by
many challenges and life’s diversities. We could have never make it
without your help and support.
Indeed this day will always be memorable knowing that we all
came here unprepared, with minds empty but on the process of
growing up you are slowly molding us to practice respect and
obedience to those around us. this day symbolizes gratitude, we are
all very grateful that we are able to make it.
To represent all the graduates, I would like to welcome you all
as we unfold the next chapters of our lives starting from today’s
special event. We are all expected here to be joyous and be blessed
for all of these are from God’s mighty working in our lives. Let us all
put a smile on each of our faces, let us all be thankful but at the same
time let us fill our hearts with great humility. To God be all the Glory,
God bless everyone, and once again good morning!

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