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Good morning teacher!

My name is Deysi Estrada, at 6:30 am consumption of chopped fruit can be

apples, papayas, bananas, pineapples and oats, sometimes like scrambled eggs
and arepa with aromatica.

My lunch is soups usually of vegetables, rice with meat or chicken, potato, and fruit
juice lunch at 12 m.

And my dinner is very light, an oatmeal or water panela with cookies, at night I do
not like to overeat.

My favorite food is the food and sea.

Thanks teacher.

Waiter: Welcome to our restaurant!! This is the menu.

Me: thank you very much.

10 minutes later….

Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Me: Yes, it will have chicken soup, scrambled eggs, chocolate and bread (happy
Waiter: would you like something to drink?
Me: yes please, I want an orange juice.
Waiter: Okay, the chicken soup as an entree and the happy breakfast as the main.
Me: yes, thanks

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