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Virtual reality (VR) is an interactive computer-generated experience taking place within a

simulated environment, that incorporates mainly auditory and visual, but also other types of sensory
feedback like haptic. This immersive environment can be similar to the real world or it can be
fantastical, creating an experience that is not possible in ordinary physical reality.
Virtual reality is an artificial environment or scene that are created by using hardware devices
and software of a computer. This artificial scene or environment is presented in such a manner that
it looks and appears 3-D and we feel like a 3-D world.
To experience a virtual reality scene or environment, a user requires a head- mounted display
(HMD) and special types of gloves which receives input from the computer. An HMD keeps a track on
how eyes move and responds by sending a new input video. Also, a user requires the data gloves which
sensor the movement of hand and interface those movement by a computer. The most important
element required for virtual reality is the software to give a real experience which feels like a real
As you have probably noticed, the virtual reality environment is consistently evolving. It could
bring dozens of benefits to almost any field, but it can also prove to be harmful.

Advantages of Virtual Reality:

1) Virtual reality creates a realistic world
2) It enables user to explore places.
3) Through Virtual Reality user can experiment with an artificial environment.
4) Virtual Reality make the education more easily and comfort.
5) Creates Interest and Increases Students' Engagement in class.

Disadvantages of Virtual Reality

1) The equipment’s used in virtual reality are very expensive.
2) It is quite Expensive.
3) In virtual reality environment we can’t move by our own like in the real world.
4) Deteriorates Human Connections.
5) Addiction to The Virtual World.

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