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Oleh :


A. Background

Processing information contains an understanding of how individuals are perceive,

organize, and remember large amounts of information accepted by individuals from the
environment. Information processing is an extension of field of study in the field of cognitive
psychology. Cognitive psychology as an effort to understand the basic mechanisms that govern
how people think (Anderson, 1980). The difference between learning theory and information
processing theory is at degree of emphasis on learning questions. Information processing theory
does not require learning as a central point main research. Learning is just one process
investigated and between learning activities and other sub-domains of cognitive psychology
remains unclear (Anderson, 1980). However, so, information processing research contribute to
the understanding of the learning process.

B. Problem Formulation

The formulation of the problem to be discussed by the author is as follows:

How to organize information / knowledge in human memory?

C. Purpose of Writing

The purpose of writing a paper is as follows:

1. As a condition of learning assignments online for PPG in Module 3 positions.

2. Knowing the organization of information / knowledge in human memory


A. Human Memory

Adult humans have more than 100 billion neurons, which are related to each other
specifically and intricately so that it is possible to remember, see, learn, think, awareness and
others (Schatz 1992). The structure of the brain is formed according to a program that is
biologically stored in DNA, and the organ is only working after the completion of all these complex

At the time of birth, almost all the neurons that must be possessed already exist, but the
weight of the brain is only ¼ of the adult brain. . The brain becomes larger because of the
enlargement of the neuron, the increase in the number of axons and dendrites according to the
development of relationships between each other. To perfect the development, young children
must be stimulated through touch, speech (speech) and images (vitality). (Bloom 1988, Schatz
1992) (

According to Lashley's many areas and structures in the brain as the cerebral cortex also
plays a role in learning and remembering. Memory also seems to be distributed excessively in
the cortex area.

To remember something, humans must succeed in doing 3 things, namely getting

information, storing it and issuing it again (recalling). Failure to remember something can be
caused by interference with one of the 3 processes. (Bloom 1988). Neurobiology in the process
of learning and memory there are 4 basic principles, namely:

- Memory has several stages and is always changing

- Long-term memory will occur physical changes in the brain
- memory traces are distributed throughout the nervous system
- The hippocampus and temporal lobe appear to have unique functions in the process of
human memory

According to Donald Hebb (1949), memory is distinguished by short-term memory (short

term memory) and long-term memory (long term memory). Short-term memory is an active
process that lasts limited, leaving no trace. This short-term memory is mediated by post tetanic
potentiation or presynaptic inhibition. The simplest forms of short-term learning are stored in
physical changes in transient peripheral receptors.
While long-term memory is produced by structural changes in the nervous system, which
occur due to repeated activation of the circle of neurons (loop of neurons). The circle can be from
the cortex to the thalamus or hippocampus, back to the cortex. Repeated activation of the neurons
that make up the loop will cause synapses between them to be functionally related. Once a
relationship occurs, then the neuron will be a collection of cells, which when excited on these
neurons will activate the entire collection of cells. Thus it can be stored and restored by various
sensations, thoughts or emotions that activate several neurons from these cell groups. According
to Hebb these structural changes occur at the synapse. (Kupferman 1981, Bloom 1988).

B. Information / Knowledge

Knowledge is everything that is known to humans. This something can be in the form of
theoretical or practical information. In a constructivist approach, knowledge is not a collection of
facts from a reality that is being studied, but rather as a person's cognitive construction of objects,
experiences, and environments. Knowledge is not something that already exists and is available
and while others just accept it. Knowledge is a continuous formation by someone who at any time
experiences reorganization because of new understandings.

Knowledge is not an item that can be moved from the mind of someone who has
knowledge to the minds of other people who do not have that knowledge. If the teacher intends
to transfer concepts, ideas, and knowledge about something to students, the transfer will be
interpreted and constructed by the students themselves through their own experience and
knowledge, whereas in the view of kokonstruktivistik learning theory, the knowledge someone
has comes from social sources that there is outside of him. To construct knowledge, an active
role is needed from that person. Knowledge and ability do not come by themselves, but must be
cultivated and influenced by others.

C. Organizing

Organizing is a process, a way, an action to organize that is regulating and arranging parts
(people and so on) so that all of them become a regular unity. ( accessed June
20 2018). The strategy of organizing learning content is referred to by Reigeluth, Bunderson, and
Merrill (1977) as structural strategy, which refers to ways to sequence and synthesize. facts,
concepts, procedures, or related principles.
Sequencing refers to making the order in which the contents of the field of study and
synthesizing refer to the effort to show the learner the interrelationships between the contents of
the field of study. Organizing learning specifically, is a very important phase in learning design.
Synthesizing will make the topics in a field of study more meaningful for the learner (Ausubel,
1968), namely by showing how those topics relate to the overall contents of the field of study.
Sequencing or sequence arrangement is very necessary in making synthesis.


From the discussion of the above papers, we can conclude that Organizing knowledge in
memory is very important as an indicator of the success of the learning process. According to Von
Galserfeld (in Paul, S., 1996) suggests that there are several abilities needed in the process of
constructing knowledge, namely;

ability to remember and re-express experiences,

ability to compare and make decisions about similarities and differences, and

ability to prefer an experience to one another.

The factors that also influence the process of constructing knowledge are the construction
of one's existing knowledge, the domain of experience, and the network of cognitive structures it
has. The process and the results of the construction of knowledge that has been possessed by a
person will be a limitation of the impending construction of knowledge. Experience of new
phenomena becomes an important element in shaping and developing knowledge. Limitations of
one's experience on a matter will also limit his knowledge of it. Knowledge that has been owned
by the person will form a network of cognitive structures in him

Processing information contains an understanding of how individuals perceive, organize,

and remember a large amount of information received by individuals from the environment
concerned because that this theory will help us to understand the learning process that occurs in
self learners understand the conditions and factors that influence it and know things- things that
can inhibit and facilitate learning of students, so with that knowledge a teacher will be wiser and
more appropriate. Information processing is an extension of the field of study in the field of
cognitive psychology.

Cognitive psychology in an effort to understand the basic mechanisms that govern

the way people think (Anderson, 1980). The difference between learning theory and processing
theory information is on the degree of emphasis on learning questions.

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