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A Journey Into The Life Of Prophet

Muhammad SAW
Episode 8: Makkah Has No Fear!

So, my friends, do you want to listen to the rest of the story about Abraha and his attack on
Makkah? I’m sure you do!

With his evil plans and a powerful army loaded with elephants and weapons, Abraha started his
march towards the city of Makkah.

They set up their camps at a place just outside the city of Makkah. The place where his army
was camping had a pasture nearby where a few hundred animals were grazing at that time.
Those animals belonged to the people of Makkah.

When Abraha got to know about the pasture, he commanded his men to capture the animals.
Hence, his men captured about 200 camels that were grazing at that place. This was going to
serve as a warning for the people of Makkah, he believed.

Now comes the most interesting part of the story.

All the 200 camels that Abraha captured actually belonged to Abdul Muttalib. And do you know
who Abdul Muttalib was?

Abdul Muttalib was the leader of Makkah at that time and also the grandfather of our beloved
Prophet SAW. He was a good and honorable man. He soon learned about his captured animals
and the powerful army that was camping just outside his city. But the way he handled the
situation was incredible. His reaction to the threats of Abraha and the things he said to Abraha’s
men were unbelievable. This is what happened exactly.

After capturing the animals, Abraha sent one of his men to inform the leader of Makkah about
his intentions to destroy the Kaaba. The messenger visited Abdul Muttalib and informed him of
Abraha’s plans.

“We don’t plan to fight with anyone. We only intend to destroy the Kaaba. So, if the people of
Makkah don’t come in our way, we won’t harm anyone,” the messenger said to Abdul Muttalib.
Abdul Muttalib stayed calm to the threat and gave a reply that became famous in history: “We
don’t have the power to fight with your king. This is the House of Allah which was built by Allah’s
friend, Ibrahim AS. If Allah wants to protect His house, He will do it Himself. And if Allah wants
to destroy it, we can’t prevent it. So, we won’t come in your way.”

Surprised to hear this calm reply, Abraha’s messenger turned to leave. But Abdul Muttalib
stopped him and requested him to let him visit Abraha in his camp. The man agreed and
brought him to Abraha’s camp.

When he saw Abdul Muttalib in his camp, Abraha stood up to welcome the leader of Makkah.
Abraha was expecting Abdul Muttalib to try to persuade him and talk him into changing his
plans. But Abdul Muttalib didn’t mention anything about the attack on Makkah. It looked like he
wasn’t even worried about Abraha’s army and their evil plans.

Abdul Muttalib had another request for Abraha. He asked Abraha to return the camels he had
captured. When Abraha heard this request, he was utterly surprised. “I’ve come here to destroy
the Kaaba, which is the most important place in your city. And you’re only asking about your
camels!” Abraha exclaimed.

But Abdul Muttalib still remained calm and composed. In a very calm tone, he replied: “The
camels belong to me. That’s why I am asking you to return them. But the House of Allah does
not belong to me. It belongs to Allah so Allah will protect it Himself.”

Abraha could not believe this. In a rage, he cried out: “You God cannot protect it from me.”

“Well, then you can do whatever you like. We won’t come in your way.” Abdul Muttalib replied

Abraha returned the camels and Abdul Muttalib returned to Makkah with his animals.

Upon reaching the city of Makkah, Abdul Muttalib called all the people. He instructed the people
of Makkah to evacuate the city and move to the top of the mountains to seek shelter. He
informed the people of the situation and advised everyone to leave their homes and move to the
top of the mountains.

After this, Abdul Muttalib went to the Kaaba and made a special prayer to Allah. This is what he
said: “O Allah! We have no strength to face the army of Abraha. O my Lord, Defend Your
After praying, Abdul Muttalib moved to the top of the mountains as well to seek shelter.

With the city evacuated, Abraha and his army had no fears now. There would be no one coming
in their way. They could easily march towards the Kaaba and carry on with their plan.

But would they be able to?

Was there really nobody in their way?

Or was there One Supreme Being watching over the Kaaba waiting for Abraha to get closer?

Stay tuned for the next episode to read about the fate of Abraha’s army.

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