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Vel Anne E.


12 – Counsel

Mental Illness

Depression is a common mental illness worldwide. According to WHO (World Health

Organization) more than 300million people is affected, while in Philippines, there are 3.3million
Filipinos has mental illness. This illness is can be caused by genetics, biological changes in
neurotransmitter levels, environmental and psychosocial. The symptoms are depressed mood,
feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, appetite or weight changes, loss of energy, self-
loathing and unexplained aches and pains. However, it can be treated or prevent. Mental illness
can be treated by medicine and theraphy . Depression can be prevented by taking good care of
yourself, get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise regularly. Reach out to family and friends
when times get hard. Get regular medical checkups, and see your provider if you don’t feel right.
Get help if you think you’re depressed. If you wait, it could get worse.

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