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021588 A Robust Algorithm for Determining Hydrocarbon PVT

Properties Using a Generalized EOS
A.C. Reynolds, U. of Tulsa; F.M. Guehria, U. of Tulsa;
L.G. Thompson, U. of Tulsa

Copyright 1990 Society of Petroleum Engineers

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Fawzl M. Guehrla
Leslie G. Thompson
Albert C. Reynolds
Tulsa University



ABSTRACT whether the system temperature is greater or less than the

This paper presents and discU88es a complete phase critical temperature. The method does not require esti-
behavior package for determining PVT properties of mix- mation of the critical temperature for the specified mix-
tures of hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon species com- ture. Straight forward application of a method proposed
monly encountered in the Petroleum Industry. All cal- by Baker and Luks allows the user to efficiently compute
culations are performed using a generalized Equation all saturation points (Le., a bubble point and a dew point,
or State, which upon selection of appropriate parame- or, an upper dew point and a lower dew point) at a given
ters, can be used to represent any of five Equations Of value of temperature. This latter unique feature enables
State commonly employed in the Petroleum Industry; Le., the user to define the two-phase envelope without having
Redlich - Kwong, Zudkevitch - Joffe - Redlich - Kwong, to perform a multitude of time consuming flash calcula-
Soave - Redlich - Kwong, Peng - Robinson and Schmidt _ tions. Finally, results from our phase package are com-
Wenzel. pared to those presented previously in the literature in
A robust algorithm, which utilizes a combination of order to verify the accuracy and efficiency of the compu-
the modified successive substitution and Minimum Vari- tational procedure.
able Newton-Raphson methods, is used to calculate flash
composition and saturation points. The algorithm is opti- INTRODUCTION
mized to facilitate convergence near the critical point. The
Calculation of fluid properties and phase equilibria is
modified successive substitution method is used to deter-
important as a general petroleum engineering tool. Nu-
mine the number of phases present at a given pressure and
merical computation of phase equilibria using Equations
temperature. A new simple method is used to ascertain

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of State is very important because laboratory analysis is GENERALIZED EOS

expensive and time consuming.
In this major section we show that all five Equations
In this work, we discuss a robust phase package that of State considered here can be written in one generalized
can be used to perform phase equilibria calculations based form.
on any of five Equations of State commonly used in the oil Notation and Mixing Rules
industry; that is, the Redlich - Kwong (RK), Zudkevitch- We consider a mixture composed of Ne hydrocarbon
Joffe - Redlich - Kwong (ZJRK), Soave - Redlich - Kwong3 and non-hydrocarbon species. Define Ai and h, as follows:

(SRK), Peng - Robinson 4 (PR) and Schmidt - Wenzel 5

(SW) Equations of State.
a, = O.. " _R2Tn.
_e_,,, i = 1,2, ... N e ; (1)
The package is designed to enable the user to generate
a wide variety of fluid properties, such as densities, com- b,' = Ob"·RTc,, .
1= 1 , 2, .•. N c; (2)
pressibility factors, and viscosities. Moreover, the package
where Tc", Pc", 0 .. " and Ob" are respectively the critical
offers the option of using one, or a combination of two temperature, critical pressure and van der Waals coeffi-
numerical techniques to solve the single,;tage separation cients for component i. In Eq. (1) n = 2 for the SW, PR
equations that describe the thermodynamic equilibrium of and SRK EOS's and n = 2.5 for the RK and ZJRK EOS.
fluids, depending on whether the mixtures considered are The phase m mixture parameters am and bm are de-
single phase, single phase saturated, or two phase (liquid fined as follows:
and vapor). N. N.

The first numerical technique is a special version of am =L L X"mXj,ma'J; (4)

i=1 i=1
the commonly known successive substitution method 6 • Its
two major advantages are its ability to detect the single
phase region without having to compute the saturation
bm = LXi,mbi' (5)
pressure, and its simplicity. Unfortunately, this method where ai,j is determined from the following relationship:
converges very slowly (or not at all) near the critical re-
gion. When the successive substitution method is converg- (6)
ing slowly, our computer program automatically switches
For the RK and ZJRK equations, ai =1 for 1 ~ i ~
to a more robust technique called the Minimum Variable
N c ; (values of ai's used in each of the remaining Equations
Newton Raphson (MVNR) method 7 .
of State considered are provided in Appendix A).
The MVNR may be used exclusively provided the In Eq. (6), the term kiJ represents the "binary in-
phase region is known a priori. In this case, the pack- teraction parameter" that is specific to binary mixtures
age is capable of determining the saturation pressure of components i and j. ki,j is assumed to be indepen-
and the equilibrium mole fraction composition of the phase dent of the actual mixture composition, system pressure
that develops at Poat, {X'}~~1 or {Y'}~1 where Ne is the and system temperature and is determined from experi-
number of components that characterize the fluid. Given mental data on the particular i-j binary. It is used in the
description of most multicomponent mixtures-the major
pressure and temperature, the package also can perform
assumption being that higher order interactions (e.g., be-
a constant composition flash calculation to determine the
tween components j, k, and I for ternary systems) are
liquid and vapor compositions, and the moles of liquid
negligible. Most Equations of State developed in recent
and moles of vapor per mole of fluid mixture at any pres-
years, and in particular those that are considered in this
sure. Finally, the package uses correlations to determine work, take the binary interaction parameter into account.
the phase viscosities s - 11 as functions of pressure, temper- While ki,i is a small number, the results obtained from an
ature and phase compositions. EOS may be very sensitive to the value used for k"j 12.

RE 21588

In all cases, ki.i is taken to be zero. In the RK EOS ZJRK EOS: U = 1; W = o.

k i .} = 0 for 1 ~ i,j ~ N c • Fluid compressibility (Z - )factor is defined (based on
In Eqs (4)-(5) and throughout, Xi.m denotes the mole the Engineering Equation of Sta.te) as:
fraction of component i in phase m, m = L for liquid and PVm
m = V for vapor, but we also use Xi as the mole fraction of Zm = RT. (10)
component i in the liquid phase and 1/i as the mole fraction
The Generalized Equation of State (Eq. (7» may be recast
of component i in the vapor phase, Le., Xi.L = Xi and Xi. V
in terms of phase m fluid compressibility factor (Zm) to
= 1/i·
yield the following cubic equation:
In terms of the notation introduced in this section,
the generalized EOS can be written in the form: Z! - (Bm + 1 - U Bm) Z;'
RT ama(T,w) + (Am - UBm - UB;' + WB;') Zm
P = (v m - bm ) - (v~ + Ubmv m + Wb~) ; - (AmBm + WB;' + WB;!.) = 0; (11)
where P is the pressure in psia, T is the temperature in oR,
where U, W were defined previously, and Am, Bm are given
R is the universal gas constant, (~ 10.73 psi - It 3 lib -
moleOR), Vm is the specific volume (lt 3 lib - mole) and U amP
Am = R2Tn' (12.1)
and W are parameters whose values depend on the EOS
selected. The function a(T,w) is defined for each EOS in and
Appendix A. Bm = RT· (12.2)
For the SW EOS, U and W are independent of tem-
Equation (11) may be solved analytically for a max-
perature and are related to the mixture acentric factor,
imum of three real roots. In the two-phase region, with
Wmiz as follows:
m = V in Eq. (11), vapor compressibility factor Zv is
U = 1 + 3w m iz, (8.1) assumed to be the largest root; similarly, with m = L the
and smallest root of Eq. (11) is the liquid compressibility fac-
(8.2) tor. All remaining roots are without physical significance.
The fugacit" of component i in phase m, (h.m) is a
where the phase m mixture acentric factor is defined as
measure of the tendency of the component to escape from
LNe bO 7 the phase. When multiple phases coexist at equilibrium,
Wmiz = =~:..:i~~1'-eW_'_'X-'i.:....~-O..:.~7-· (9)
L...i=1 Xi.m i the fugacities of each component in each phase are also at
equilibrium. The values of Zm calculated from Eq. (11)
In Eq. (9) Wi is the acentric factor for pure component i.
are needed to evaluate the fugacities of each component in
Our phase package computes Wi using the following defin-
each phase. The relevant equation is:
ing equation 12 :
RTln ( /;,m ) = _ [v_ (~ _ RT) dVm
Wi = -1 -logPvp.r.i. PXi.m 100 aNi•m Vm
-RTlnZm, (13)
Here Pvp.r.i is the reduced pressure ( of satu-
rated vapor evaluated at the reduced temperature T ITc.i where Ni.m and Vm respectively denote the number of
= 0.7. The saturated vapor pressure is computed via Rei- moles of component i in phase m and the volume of phase
del's vapor equation 13. m.
U and W for the remaining Equations of State are con- The integration in Eq. (13) can be carried out in
stants (i.e., independent of Wmiz). The appropriate values the following manner: (i) evaluate the partial derivative
of these parameters are as follows: of pressure with respect to the number of moles of com-
PR EOS: U = 2; W = -1. ponent i from the EOS (Eq. (7»; (ii) integrate, and (iii)
SRK EOS: U = 1; W = o. use the cubic (Eq. (11) with the appropriate definitions
RK EOS: U = 1; W = o. of Am and Bm to obtain a generalized expression for the

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partial fugacity of component i in the phase. The resulting
LXi = 1, (I7.2a)
expression 888umes the following generalized form: i=1


Note that both of equations (I7.2a) and (I7.2b) can-

not be used because, given one, the second may be
derived by combining the given equation with Eqs.
(15) and (16).
(iv) Finally, the criterion for thermodynamic equilibrium:

h,L = h,v, (18)

Equation (14) represents the partial fugacity of com- where h,L is the fugacity of component i in the liquid
ponent i for the SW EOS. It reduces to the PR, SRK and phase at pressure p and temperature T and h,v is the
RK and ZJRK cases by setting Wi - W = 0 and by us- fugacity of component i in the vapor phase at pressure
ing the appropriate coefficients Am, Bm (Eqs. (12.1) and p and temperature T.

(12.2)), U and W. This equation will be used throughout We have chosen to use Eq. (18) as our criterion for
the remainder of this work. thermodynamic equilibrium since fugacities are easily ob-
tainable as functions of pressure, temperature and compo-
Nghiem et al. 6 used the modified successive substi-
The condition of thermodynamic equilibrium between
tution method for the SRK EOS. In our phase package,
coexisting phases is described by the following mathemat-
ical equations: we have successfully implemented the successive substitu-

(i) The overall material balance: tion method for all EOS's considered here. This method
may be used for detecting the single phase region or per-
L+ V = 1, (15) forming flash calculations. Its main disadvantage is that it
converges slowly (or not at all) in the neighborhood of the
where L is the moles of liquid per mole of fluid mixture critical point. Whenever this problem occurs, the program
and V is the moles of vapor per mole of fluid mixture. switches automatically to the robust MVNR (Minimum
(ii) The component material balance: Variable Newton-Raphson) method.
We now provide a brief description of the Successive
Zi = LXi + V'!Ii, (I6)
Substitution Method. Equations (15), (16), (17.1) and

where {Zi} f.; 1 is the mole fraction composition of the (17.2a) or (17.2b) can be combined to give:

initial fluid and {Xi};:;1 and {'!Ii};:;1 are the mole Z.

fraction compositions of the liquid and gas phases re- X. = -1-+-'V:-:-:-(K=-i---1--;-) , (19.1)

spectively at pressure p and temperature T. (Note

that Eq. (16) shows that Zi moles of component i,
when equilibrated, will be distributed as Lx. moles Ki Z •
'!I. = ---,-----,- (19.2)
of component i in the liquid phase and V'!I' moles of 1 + V(K. -1)'
component i in the vapor phase.)
where K. = '!I;/x •. The criterion for the thermodynamic
(iii) Mole fraction constraints:
equilibrium (Eq.(18)) can be rewritten as :
LZ, = 1, (17.1) F. = J;,L
= 1. (19.3)

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It is easy to see that the equilibrium K - values are If r(O) > 0 and r(1) < 0 solve Eq. (19.5) for V.
related to the fugacities via the following equation : (7) Update Xi and Yi from Eqs.(19.1) and (19.2) and go
to step (4)
In the single phase region, where V = 0 or V = I, the
Ki = (J;,L/ XiP) = Fi Yi • (19.4)
(J;,v /YiP) Xi
F;'s may converge to a value different than unity. Nghiem
et al. 6 suggest iterating until Eq.(20.2) is satisfied even in
A major step in the successive substitution method is single phase cases. However, in all computations we have
the solution of
done, if r(O) < 0 (or r(l) > 0) at the second iteration (i.e.,
N. N. N. z.(K- _ 1) at the first application of steps (4) and (5), then r(O) < 0
r(V) = LYi - LXi =L " =0 (19.5) (or r(1) > 0) at all subsequent iterations.
i=1 i=1 i=1 1 + V(Ki - 1)
The advantage of this procedure is that it allows us
for V. to detect the single phase region. Our phase package also
uses this technique to provide a reasonable initial guess for
Successive Substitution Algorithm
the MVNR method. In Eq. (20.2), we have normally used
First iteration 7
£ = 10- for the error tolerance.
(1) Compute initial estimate of Ki from the following
semi-theoretical equation 14: MVNR METHOD

Ki = Pe,iexp [5.37(1 + Wi) (1- ~)] (20.1)

The MVNR method was first presented by Fussel and
Yanosik 7 as a robust algorithm for solving the non-linear
P system of equations describing thermodynamic equilibrium
(2) Compute r(V = 0) and r(V = 1) from Eq. (19.5). using the RK EOS, (see Eqs.(15)-(18)). The equations
If r(O) > 0 and r(l) < 0, we have two phases and were solved either for saturation pressure and composi-
Eq. (19.5) is solved (using Newton's method) for V. tion of the forming phase or phase compositions at fixed
Otherwise, (i.e., if r(O) ::; 0 or r(l) ~ 0) we may only temperature and pressure (assuming constant feed compo-
have a single phase present; in this case, we assume a sition and that two phases exist). Since MVNR is a multi-
value of V = 0.5 and proceed with the calculation. variable Newton-Rhapson method, it requires the compu-
(3) Calculate Xi and Yi, respectively from Eqs. (19.1) and tation of partial derivatives of each phase fugacity with
(19.2). respect to pressure and phase compositions. Although
Subsequent iterations other researchers have, for simplicity, evaluated these par-
(4) Compute /i,L and J;,v from Eq.(14). Evaluate tial derivatives using numerical differentiations, they have
also suggested that improved performance of the MVNR
F, - J;,L will be obtained if these partial derivatives are eVcl.luated
, - fi,v
analytically. Our phase package employs analytical expres-
and sions for the relevant partial derivatives. These analytical
Ki = Fi-. expressions, which are given in Appendix B, were derived
from the generalized EOS (Eq. (7)) and to the best of
(5) Check for convergence using the following criterion:
our knowledge, have not been presented previously except
N. for the RK EOS7. Here, we do not repeat the details of
L (Fi - 1)2 ::; £. (20.2) the method; rather, we simply provide analytical expres-
sions for the relevant partial derivatives when a generalized
If Eq.(20.2) is satisfied stop - if not proceed to step EOS (Eq. (7)) is used to describe the phase behavior (see
(6) Appendix B).
(6) Compute r(O) and r(l) As with all methods based on Newton's iteration, the
If r(o) < 0 set V = 0, Le., single phase liquid. initial guess is critical to the success of the convergence
If r(1) > 0 set V = 1, Le., single phase vapor. of the computations. For Flash calculations, we use the

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Successive Substitution method (described above) with a The dew point calculation analog of Eq.(21.2a) is
large value of f ( R: 10- 3 ) in Eq. (20.2) to obtain our initial
guess for the phase compositions. (21.2b)
While an "upper"saturation point (bubble or dew)
will always exist for a tw<>-phase mixture, the existence of The method involves the following steps:
a "lower" dew point pressure is dependent on the shape of (1) pick a low pressure (e.g., 1 psi)
the tw<>-phase envelope on a p- T diagram. For all practical (2) Compute tPi,V and tPi,L at the pressure of the new
purposes, petroleum engineers are only interested in min- iteration level using the composition from the old it-
imum pressures in excess of a few hundred psi. Thus, we eration level.
have designed the following simple method of determining (3) Evaluate the unknown phase composition using Eq.
(a) whether the "upper" saturation pressure is a bubble or (21.2a) for bubble point or Eq. (21.2b) for dew point.
dew point pressure; and (b) whether we will encounter the If L~l Xi,m < 1 then the assumed pressure is too
lower dew point pressure over normal operating pressures. high, if not, the assumed pressure is lower than the
(This information is vital in modeling the behavior of flow saturation pressure.
of multiple hydrocarbon components in a porous medium, (4) Correct the pressure in accordance with step (3). Baker
where in 8itu fluid composition varies continuously with and Luks 15 recommend an increment of 100 to 300 psi.
time.) At this stage, a bisection type method may be used
Assuming that a tw<>-phase region exists at the system to narrow the search range.
temperature (i.e., system temperature is to the left of the (5) Repeat steps (2) - (4) until convergence.
cricondentherm on a p-T diagram), the method consists The resulting phase composition and pressure is then
of the following steps: used to start the p - X or p - Y iteration of the MVNR
i) perform a Flash calculation (using the previously de- method. This procedure inevitably results in an "upper"
scribed modified successive substitution method) at saturation point. The "lower" dew point is obtained by
system temperature and a very high pressure (e.g., starting at the last Baker and Luks estimated "upper" sat-
10000 psi) so that we are assured of single phase fluid. uration point and modifying the criterion of step (3) above
This determines the location of the system tempera- in the following way: if Li Xi,m < 1, the guessed pressure
ture relative to the mixture critical temperature: i.e., is less than the lower dew point pressure; otherwise, the
if V = 1, the fluid is retrograde condensate; conversely pressure estimate is too high.
if V = 0 the fluid is black oil.
ii) Repeat Step (i) at the lowest anticipated system pres- MODEL VERIFICATION
sure; if 0 < V < 1, the lower dew point pressure is The package has been extensively tested for each Equa-
of no practical significance. Otherwise (if V = 1), the tion of State and here, we compare our results with pub-
lower dew point pressure must be determined. lished results.
The initial guess for determining upper and lower sat- Saturation points
uration points employs the following method due to Baker Tables (1) - (5) compare saturation point computa-
and Luks 15 . tions from three Equations of State, (ZJRK, PR and SW
The phase m partial fugacity coefficient is defined as: EOS).
One of the modifications made by Zudkevitch and
tP. - !;,m (21.1)
I,m - PXi,m· Joffe to the original RK EOS was expression of the van
der Waals coefficients Oa and Ob as functions of tempera-
For a bubble point calculation, the Xi'S are known (equal
ture and acentric factor. Table (1) shows the computation
to z;'s for the overall fluid mixture in-place) and the vapor
of the bubble point pressure (referred to simply as pres-
phase composition is given by
sure in table (1))and the composition of the forming gas in
a methane/butane/decane system, using the ZJRK EOS.
Yi = (PtPi,LXi) = (tPi'L) Xi, 1 ~i ~ Nc (21.2a)
(pt/Ji,V) tPi,V We used the same set of binary interaction parameters as

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Ref. 16, i.e., ki,i = 0, except for k 1 ,2 = k 2 ,l = 0.024 and CONCLUSIONS

k 2 ,3 = k 3 ,2 = 0.025 (Here, methane, butane and decane
The major contribution of this work is that it collects
are referred to as components 1, 2 and 3, respectively.)
and synthesizes all information vital to writing a robust
For T = 160°F, using the same values for 0" and PVT package based on a generalized Equation of State.
Ob as Ref. 16, table (1) indicates that the experimental We have provided analytical expressions for evaluation of
and package results agreed within less than 3% for bubble the partial derivatives used in Newton-Rhapson iteration
point pressure. The K - values computed from our pack- for Five Equations of State. Procedures for determining
age are essentially identical to those obtained by Ref. 16 saturation points (both upper and lower) at a given tem-
and in reasonable agreement with Laboratory results. The perature have been delineated. Further, details on a sim-
greatest discrepancy between computed and experimental ple method (based on the Successive Substitution Solu-
K - values occurs for the lighter mixture (Xl = 0.663). tion procedure) for determining whether the system tem-
To generate the T = 280°F results of Table (1), we used perature is above or below the mixture critical tempera-
the set of coefficients originally reported by Zudkevitch ture (without actuallll determining the critical temperature)
and Joffe 2
; here deviations from the reported experimen- were provided. We have successfully applied the succe&-
tal values were more significant. In general, we found that sive substitution solution procedure to all five Equations
replacing the van der Waals coefficients reported in Ref. of State discussed in this work.
17 by those generated by Coats 16 procedure yielded better In summary, this paper facilitates the design and im-
agreement with values of bubble point pressure obtained plementation of a robust commercial quality hydrocarbon
PVT phase package.
Tables (2) and (3) show the saturation point compu-
tations using the PR and SW Equations of State, respec-
tively. As shown, results obtained from the package agree Fawzi M. Guehria wishes to thank Phillips Petroleum
very closely with the results of Ref. 17. Company for their financial support during this study. The
authors also thank the University of Tulsa for providing
The PR EOS was used to simulate the variation of the
computer facilities. This research was performed under
bubble point and dew point of a mixture containing thir-
the auspices of the University of Tulsa Petroleum Reservoir
teen hydrocarbon components plus a concentration of CO 2
Exploitation Projects (TUPREP).
ranging from 0 to 80% (See Table (4)). Table (5) shows the
results for a seventeen component mixture that includes NOMENCLATURE
a fixed concentration of CO 2 plus a concentration of N2

ranging from 0 to 50%. In both cases, our phase pack- am Attraction parameter in the generalized EOS for mul-
age yields results that agree well with published data 18. tiphase systems, Eq.(4).
The results in column 2 of Tables (4) and (5) represent ai,i mixing rule parameter, Eq.(6).
Laboratory values. ai,m mixing rule parameter, Eq. (B2).
Flash calculations Am Cubic equation coefficient, Eq. (12.1).
Table (6) shows results for flash calculations on a ten bi Repulsion parameter of component i in the van der
component system over a range of pressure which included Waals EOS, Eq.(2).
the system critical point at 2810 psia and 162.2° F. The
bi,m mixing rule parameter as defined in Eq. (Bl).
SRK EOS was used and as expected, the SS method did
Bm Cubic equation coefficient, Eq. (12.2).
not converge near the critical region; however, the robust
MVNR predicted properties that agree closely with those
Ii,m Fugacity of component i in phase m.

of Ref. 6. Note that Ref. 6 uses Powell's method 19 ,2o Ii,L Fugacity of component i in the liquid phase.
instead of the MVNR. Equally good results were obtained Ii, v Fugacity of component i in the vapor phase.
with other mixtures presented in Ref. 6. Fi Ratio of fugacities, Eq. (19.3)

aeE 21588
k parameter in the Schmidt and Wensel EOS, Eq. (A4). i Component i.
Ki K - value of component i. j Component j.
L Number of moles of liquid per mole of fluid mixture. L Liquid phase.
M Molecular weight. m phase.
Nc Number of components in a mixture. mix Mixture.
Ni,m Number of moles of component i in phase m.
r Reduced property.
P System pl'etl8Ule, pai.
&at At saturation point.
Pc Critical pressure, pai.
Pc,i Critical pressure of component i, pai.
VP At vapor point.
R Universalgu constant.
V Vapor phase.
T System temperature, degree Rankine.
Tc Critical temperature, degree Rankine.
Tc,i Critical temperature of component i, degree Rankine.
• Idealgu property.
Ui,m parameter uaed in differentiation, Eq.(B3).
U parameter in the generalized EOS, Eq.(8.1).
Greek notation
Vm Specific molar volume of phase m, ItS /llnnole.
Q Equation of State parameter, Eqs. (AI), (A2), (A3).
V Volume, ItS.
V Number of moles of vapor per mole of fluid mixture.
fJ parameter in the Schmidt - Wensel EOS, Eq. (A6).
Vc Critical volume, ItS. 6i,i Kroenecker delta.

Vc,i Critical volume of component i, Its. r Function defined in Eq. (19.5)

Wi,m parameter uaed in differentiation, Eq. (B4). w Acentric factor.

W parameter in the generalized EOS, Eq. (8.2). o van der Waala coefficient, Eqa. (1), (2).

Xi Mole fraction of component i in the liquid phase. tPi,m Fugacity coefficient of component i in phase m, Eq.
Xi,m Mole fraction of component i in phase m. (21.1).

Jli Mole fraction of component i in the vapor phase. p Density, lbmole/ Its.

Zi Overall mole fraction of component. e parameter in the Schmidt - Wensel EOS, Eq. (A8).
Z Compressibility factor.
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ical Methods for Nonlinear Algebraic Equa-
Redlich-Kwong Equation of State," SPEJ, June 1978,
tions, T. Rabinowitz (ed.), Gordon and Breach, Lon-
don (1970).
8. Lohrenz, J., Bray, B.G. and Clark, C.R.:"Caiculating
21. Yarborough, Lyman: "Applications of A Generalized
Viscosities of Reservoir Fluids From Their Composi- Equation Of State to Petroleum Fluids," in: Equa-
tions," JPT, Oct. 1964,1171-1176. tions 0/ State in Engineering, Advances in Chemistry
9. J088i, J.A., Stiel, L.!. and Thodos, G.:"The Viscosity Series, 182 K. C. Chao and Robert L. Robinson, ed.,
of pure Substances in the Dense Gaseous and Liquid American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, (1979),
phases," AIChE Journal, March 1962, Vol. 8, No.1, 385-435.
10. Heming, F. and Zipperer, L. :" Calculation of the Vis- ApPENDIX A

cosity of Technical Gas Mixtures from the Viscosity of EOS PARAMETERS

Individual Gases," Gas u. Wasserfach, (1936) 79, No. Here we present expressions for the parameters a, 0 4
39,69. and Ob for the EOS's discussed in this work.
11. Stiel, L. I. and Thodos, George,:" The Viscosity of Redlich Kwong EOS
Nonpolar Gases at Normal pressure," AICHE J., (1962) The function a is given by
12. Modell, M. and Reid, R.: Thermodynamics and a= Vf' (AI)
its applications, Prentice Hall (2ed.), Prentice Hall,
Inc. (1983), pp. 151, 189.
13. Reid, R.C., Prausnitz, J.M. and Sherwood, T.K.: The
04 = 0.4274802327
properties 0/ Gases and Liquids, 3rd Edition Mc-Graw and
Hill 1977, New -York. Ob = 0.08664035
14. Wilson, G.:"A Modified Redlich-Kwong Equation of
Zudkevitch Joffe Redlich Kwong EOS
State, Application to General physical Data Calcula-
The function a is the same as Eq.(Al). Zudkevitch
tions," paper 15C presented at the 1968 AIChE Na-
and Joffe developed a method of computing 0 4 ,; and Ob,;
tional Meeting, Cleveland, OH, May 4-7. for each component i at a given temperature using the com-
15. Baker, Lee E. and Luks, K. D., :" Critical point and ponent's vapor pressure, saturated liquid density and Ly-
Saturation pressure Calculations for Multipoint sys- ckman's fugacity coefficient14. An extensive application of
tems," SPEJ 1980, 15-24. the RK EOS to reservoir fluids was made by Yarborough21.
16. Coats, Keith H.: An Equation of State Compositional He used the Zudkevitch - Joffe RK EOS (ZJRK) with 0 4 ,;
Model," SPEJ, October 1980, 363-376. and Ob,; as functions of reduced temperature and acentric

seE 21588

factor12 and with binary interaction parameter developed is solved for Pi. H an iterative method (such as Newton -
for the cases in hand. Raphson) is used to solve this cubic, then an initial guess
Soave Redlich Kwong EOS is provided via:
Here Q is given by:

Q = [1 + (0.48508 + 1.55171w - 0.15613w 2 ) (1 - "ITr) r'

Pe,i = 0.25989 - 0.0217wi + 0.00375wl-

The smallest root of Eq. (A6) is used to compute an

(A 7)

where Tr = T ITe • intermediary parameter e.,i as follows:

Here, n.. and n~ are the same as for the RK EOS
Peng Robinson (PR) (A8)
In this case:
Finally, n ..,i and n~,i are given by the following ex-
Q = [1 + (0.37464 + 1.5422&1 - 0.26992w 2 ) (1- vIT.)] ~ pressions :
(A3) n.. ,i = [1 - e.,i (1 - P.,i)]s; (A9)
n.. = 0.45724 and
n~ = 0.00778 APPENDIX B
The function Q is given by We present the derivatives of the partial fugacities
with respect to the various variables for each iteration. We
(A4) will perform the differentiation on the generalized fugacity
equation that applies to all presented Equations of State
with the appropriate parameters.
k" if W::; 0.4; First define the following,
k - k2 , if W ~ 0.55;
- { ( ... -o... }) k
0.111 2
+ (0.1I11-...
}) k .
b otherwise

kl = ko + (;0) (5Tr - 3ko - 1) 2
= L X I,mP(l- ki,l) n .. ,in .. ,IQiQI (Te,iT.,,)"
A~ (P.,iP.,I) Tn
k2 = ko + 0.71 (Tr - 0.779)2 (B2)
ko = {0.465 + 1.347w - 0.528w 2 ; if W ::; 0.3671; where m = Liquid or Vapor;
0.5361 + 0.9593w; if W > 0.3671

Q = 1.0 - (0.4774 + 1.328w) InTr ; T> T.. (A5)

Here Tr is the reduced temperature and w is the acentric

factor of the component considered.
The method used by Schmidt and Wenzel II to evaluate
n .. ,i (Wi) and nb,i (Wi) is now described. For each given
value of Wi, the cubic

(A6) p - x or p - " iteration

seE 21588

We will develop the derivative of the partial fugacity

with respect to pressure for component i in phase m.
~ [In (2Zm + UBm + Bm';U2 - 4W)] =
ap 2Zm + U B"; - Bm ';U2 - 4W

ah,m -f.
ap - ',m p {I 2
+ aBm (U + v'U2 - 4W)
2Zm + U Bm + Bm ';U2 - 4W
a 1 a
+ ap [bi,m (Zm - 1)]- Zm _ Bm ap (Zm - Bm) 2 aZm + aBm (U _ v'U2 _ 4W)
ap ap . (Bll)
+~ [Ui min (2Zm + UBm + Bm';U2 - 4W)] 2Zm + UBm - Bm';U2 - 4W '
ap' 2Zm + U Bm - Bm ';U2 - 4W

+ --ap
, (BS)
a [bi,m (Zm - 1)]
= bi,m aaZm

and (BI3)
aZm aZm aAm aZ aBm
- - = - - - - + -m
--- (B7)
ap aAm ap aBm ap .
Differentiating the cubic equation with respect to Am aA", Am
and Bm, we get ap p

(BS) (BIS)

and Note that the following equations would be needed only

(BQ) for the SW EOS since Wi - W = 0 for the other cues.

where aWi,m = ___1_....., a (Z B)

ap (Zm _ Bm)2 ap m - m

x' = Z! (1- U) - (2WB m - 2UBm - U) Z'" X [3(Wi - w)

U2 - 4W "N.
%L bo.T
+ (3W B! + 2W Bm + A",), ~"=1 .. ,m"
X (2Zm + UZm + 2WBm + UBm)
and 1 )3(Wi-W) b?·7 ]
- [( 1 - Zm _ B
U2 - 4W "N. .L bO.7
~"=l"' .. ,m "
y' = 3Z! - 2 (Bm + 1 - U Bm) Zm az
x [(U + 2) a; + (2W + U) aB ]
apm . (BI6)
+ (WB;' - UB;' - UBm + Am).

Note that U and W are functions of composition and All the equations derived above define the variation

not of pressure 80 that they are not affected by this differ- of the partial fugacity of both phases with respect to pres-
entiation process. sure, which appears in the Jacobian matrices of both the
p- % and the p - 11 iterations. The partial derivative of
[u. ',m
In (2Zm + UBm + Bm';U2 - 4W)] _
2Zm + UBm - Bm';U2 - 4W -
the partial fugacity of vapor with respect to the gas mole
fraction composition which appears in the p - % iteration

Ui m~ [In (2Zm + UBm + Bm';U2 - 4W)] Jacobian is the same as the one developed below for the
'ap 2Zm + UBm - Bm';U2 - 4W L- % iteration.

+ In (2Zm + U Bm + Bm ';U2 - 4W) aUi,m. (BIO)

L- % iteration
2Zm + UBm - Bm';U2 - 4W ap

RE 21588

ah,v Recalling that U = 1 + 3w, and that

= h,v { -61 a
i ,j + !> [bi,v (Zv -

1 a W . -
L-,i=1 Wi%i f In
m,z - "",Ne 0.7 '
v -
B a (Zv - Bv)
v 'II; ~i=1 Zi,mbi

+- [ U'V In (2ZV + UBv + BV";U2 - 4W)] then
a'll;" 2Zv + U Bv - Bv";U2 - 4W
au _
-3 [b
or "N.
; . ( W,. ~i=1 'IIi bO.
r "Ne
- ~i=1 WiYi bo.
2 '
i )
r 1
a'll; ("Ne
L.J,=1 '1 )
a a~
- [b iV (Zv -1)J
a'll; ,
=- (Zv -1)b· v b· v +b·v-·
"" "a'll; ,
Again, we have
aw au
(BlS) (B26)
a'll; = - a'll;'
ab· v
= -b·vb·
' " ,v .
~ [. In (2Zv + UBv + BV";U2 - 4W)] _
Here Zv is a function of Av, Bv, U and W, which in turn a'll; u"m 2Zv + UBv - BV";U2 - 4W -
are all functions of the composition. Thus
u. ~ [In (2Zv + UBv + BV";U2 - 4W)]
az v v az aAv v az aBv az au az aw ',m a'll; 2Zv + UBv - BV";U2 - 4W
-a'll;- =- - -- + - - - - + - -v - - + - -v - -
aAv a'll; aBv a'll; au a'll; away;
(B20) + In (2ZV + U Bv + BV";U2 - 4W) (B27) aUi,m j
azv azv . 2Zv + UBv - BV";U2 - 4W a'll;
aA and aBv are given by Eqs.(BS) and (B9) re-
aBv Oh,jpTc,j
a'll; = Tpc,j j
(B21) ~ [In (2Zv + UBv + BV";U2 - 4W)] =
a'll; 2Zv + UBv - BV";U2 - 4W
aA N.
a ~ = 2p E '11,(1 - k;,I)
Oo,jOo,IQ;QI (Tc,jTc,,)" .
(Pc,jPc,l) T" '
1 {az
.... 2-- + ( U + VU2 - 4W ) --
'II, 1=1 yay; a'll;
Now, the following expr_ions are only needed for the +Bv au + 8¥i ~
SW EOS. They are obtained from the cubic equation 4W
[ a'll; ";U2 -

- - + (v
U+U2 -4W ) --
- 2az aBv
azv X" a'll; ay;
au = Y"' au UBU - 2BW]}
+Bv - - ~ ~ .
where [ a'll; ";U2 - 4W '
X" = - Bv Z~ + (2B~ + Bv) Zv - (B~ + B~ ) ,
and Y = 2Zv + UBv + Bv";U2 - 4W.
aWi v
aUi v .
X" = 3Z~ - 2 (Bv +1- U Bv ) Zv Finally, To evaluate
and ~, we will need to
+ (W B~ - U B~ - U Bv + Av) . apply the product rule to the derivatives of the parameters
developed and to the following,
Since U + W = 1 (see Eqs.(S.I) and(S.2)), then

azv azv
aw au
+ (1 - ki,;)
Oa,iOa,;QiQ; (Tc,iTc,; r p2 ] . (B29)
(Pc,iPc,;) T"

SPE 21588

=~ [(1 - ki .)
All these expressiona allow us to find aa"'v for the
IIi aai,L
ax; AL oJ
L- % and the P - II iterationa. now we will evaluate aa/;,L
needed for the L - % and the p - % iterationa. We remind
the reader that here the %i is one of the iteration variables
- ~ [(1-
kl .)

and thus the differentiation is slightly different. as,L aAL

- AL a%j' (B35)

All these expressiona do apply to the V - II iteration,

ah,L _ f,.
a%i - ',L
{~{-1' if i=
%i 6iJ, if i:f= 1
I} provided we replace V by L.' %; by II; and vice-versa.

a 1 a
+-a [bi,L (Zv -1)]- Z B a (Zv - Bv)
~ v- v ~
+- [
In (2Zv + UBv + Bvy=U"'2----4W=)]
a%i ' 2Zv + UBv - BV';U2 - 4W
+ aWi'L}. (B30)

The differentiation process of the equation above is

exactly the same as for :h,v
except for the following mod-
ificationa due to the fact that %i is an iteration variable:

The deviation factors derivatives are the same as those

aBv aAv au aas L .
evaluated above. - a ' - a ' -a and -a' are modified
%i %; %; %;
aB L _ nb,jpTcJ nb,lpTcJ.
ax; - TPcJ TPcJ '


SPE 21588


Comparison of calculated and experimental results for the Gd n- G./ n - G10

Zudkevitch - Joffe - Redlich - Kwong EOS

T Xi Preaaure (paia) K-Value

(OF) Lab. Ref. 15 Package Lab. Ref. 15 Package
280 0.203 1000 1019.7 995 3.813 3.773 3.736
0.346 0.613 0.637 0.656
0.451 0.032 0.031 0.032
280 0.402 2000 1970.5 1912 1.861 1.867 1.850
0.370 0.605 0.613 0.629
0.228 0.122 0.099 0.103
280 0.575 3000 2997.6 2915 1.459 1.475 1.470
0.179 0.631 0.635 0.645
0.246 0.193 0.156 0.157
160 0.253 1000 972.7 976 3.174 3.173 3.173
0.661 0.297 0.297 0.297
0.086 0.013 0.008 0.008
160 0.459 2000 1950.9 1960 1.854 1.862 1.861
0.390 0.367 0.361 0.362
0.151 0.039 0.028 0.028
160 0.663 3000 3128.2 3143 1.213 1.254 1.252
0.229 0.703 0.633 0.636
0.108 0.330 0.218 0.221


Comparison of calculated and experimental result. for the G1 / n- G./ n- G10

Peng - Robinaon EOS

T Xi Preaaure (paia) K-Value

(OF) Lab. Ref. 18 Package Lab. Ref. 18 Package
280 0.203 1000 1009 1009 3.813 3.800 3.800
0.346 0.613 0.615 0.615
0.451 0.032 0.035 0.035
280 0.402 2000 1940 1941 1.861 1.844 1.844
0.370 0.605 0.625 0.625
0.228 0.122 0.119 0.119
280 0.575 3000 2999 3000 1.459 1.460 1.462
0.179 0.631 0.639 0.639
0.246 0.193 0.180 0.181
160 0.253 1000 952 954 3.174 3.130 3.126
0.001 0.297 0.313 0.315
0.086 0.013 0.009 0.009
160 0.459 2000 1937 1940 1.854 1.850 1.848
0.390 0.367 0.374 0.376
0.151 0.039 0.034 0.034
160 0.663 3000 3113 3117 1.213 1.247 1.245
0.229 0.703 0.643 0.646
0.108 0.330 0.241 0.244


SPE 21588


Compari80n of calculated and experimental r ... ulta for the Cd n- C,/ n - C IO

Schmidt - Wensel EOS

T Xi Pressure (peia) K-Value

(OF) Lab. Ref. 18 Package Lab. Ref. 18 Package
280 0.203 1000 1012 1012 3.813 3.850 3.851
0.346 0.613 0.587 0.587
0.451 0.032 0.033 0.033
280 0.402 2000 1927 1928 1.861 1.873 1.873
0.370 0.605 0.600 0.600
0.228 0.122 0.109 0.109
280 0.575 3000 2955 2957 1.459 1.479 1.479
0.179 0.631 0.608 0.609
0.246 0.193 0.165 0.166
160 0.253 1000 951 952 3.174 3.155 3.152
0.661 0.297 0.304 0~305
0.086 0.013 0.006 0.007
160 0.459 2000 1940 1943 1.854 1.867 1.866
0.390 0.367 0.355 0.357
0.151 0.039 0.028 0.029
160 0.663 3000 3105 3109 1.213 1.263 1.261
0.229 0.703 0.611 0.614
0.108 0.330 0.211 0.214

Computation of Saturation Point. for CO2 / C1 - C 1H
Penc - Robiuon EOS

Properiy Refennu 20 Package

Bubble Point
with 0% CO2 UIU 1653
20% 1860 1857
40% 2088 2085
60% 2228 2234
65% 2637 2630

D_ Point
with 60% CO2 2113 2110
65% 2487 2485
70% 3868 2865
75% 3182 3179
80% 3769 3773

SPE 21588

Calculation of Saturation Points for N, - CO, / C 1 - C l 6+
Peng - Robinaon EOS

Property Reference 20 Package

Bubble Point
with 0% N, 3990 3993
5% 4742 4745
10% 5603 5606
15% 66(M 6608
20% 7787 7790
25% 9217 9221

Dew Point
with 0% N, 3565 3567
10% 4080 4081
20% 4644 4646
30% 5259 5260
40% 5921 5924
50% 6609 6612

Flash Calculatiou for 15 CompOlleM Oil
N, -CO, / C 1 - CT+
Soave - Recllida - Kwong EOS

Pressure V V
(paia) Ref. 6 Pacbce

4950 0.0116 0.0000

4925 0.1144 0.1150
4900 0.1770 0.1775
4875 0.2206 0.2218
4825 0.2536 0.2M3
4800 0.3016 0.3025
4750 0.3358 0.3364
4700 0.3623 0.3627
4650 0.3838 0.3844
4600 0.4019 0.4025
4550 0.4175 0.4181
4500 0.4313 0.4320


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