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Ladies and Gentlemen,

Right now, we will follow the course of the proclamation ceremony.

We need to convey, for the orderliness and devoutness, for those who carry the
mobile phones and other communication devices , Pleased to be de-activated or set on
silent tones during the ceremony.

The proclamation ceremony in com-memorate of the 74th independence day for The
Republic of Indonesia in 2019, will be started.

1. Every platoon leaders prepare the troops.

2. The commander of ceremony is pleased to be in the ceremony area.

3. The general honor to the ceremonial commander leaded by the right team leader.

4.Ladies and Gentleman,

The person who are commanding the ceremony is Harvy Anggara Van Java was
born in Prabumulih at 21st of September 2002 from the Twelve Science One. And also,
the person who are commanding of PASKIBRAKA is Ragil Prakoso was born in
Prabumulih, at 5th of July 2002 from the Twelve Social 2.

Ladies and Gentleman, We need to convey that the Flag Raisers are the greatest
students in Senior High School Number 2 Prabumulih who come from the Eleven grade
and the Twelve also.

5. The Inspector of ceremony, Mrs. Dra. Haja. Tin Martini, MM. with the Teachers
Council and also the Administration Staff are pleased to be in the ceremony area.

6.The greatness honor to the Inspector of ceremony.

7. The report of the ceremony commander to the Inspector of ceremony.

8. The Preparation for raising the National Flag

9. The Handover of the National Flag by the Inspector of Ceremony to the Flag bearer.

Ladies and Gentleman, the person who bearer the National Flag is Nabila Ibtisamah from
the Twelve Science Three.
11. To salute to the National Flag leaded by the Ceremony Commander.

12. Moment of Silence to com-memmorate the National Hero leaded by the Inspector of

13. Reading of the Pancasila by The Inspector, followed by all of the Participants.

14. Reading of the Preambule 1945.

15.The Preparation of Reading the Proclamation Text.

The Reading of the Proclamation Text of Indonesian Independence by the Inspector of


15. The Mandate by the Inspector of Ceremony.

16. To Sing a National Song of Hari Merdeka created by Husein Muthahar. By all of the

17. The second song is Maju Tak Gentar created by Sumurung Simandjuntak.

18. Reciting Prayer by the Rohis Chief of Senior High School Number 2 Prabumulih,
Awwa Chaga Qambara Taqwa.

19. The Report of the Ceremony Commander to Inspector, that the ceremony is over.

20. The greatness honor to the Inspector of Ceremony.

21. The Inspector of ceremony, Mrs Dra. Haja. Tin Martini, MM. with the Teachers
council and also the Administration Staff are leaved the area.

22. The general honor to the ceremonial commander leaded by the right team leader. .

23. The ceremony Commander is leaved the Area

24. Announcements.

24. The ceremony is over, all of the platoon leaders disperse the troops.

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