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Care plans for heart disease in pregnancy:

Planning a Comprehensive Care

A care plan must be agreed by both the midwife and the client so that planning can be
done effectively. All decisions must be rational and valid based on theories and
applicable assumptions about what will and will not be done. Planning possible actions,
among others

1. Notify mother about the results of the examination / condition of the

mother : Communication interpersonal with mother, so as to create a comfortable
atmosphere and to foster a good and trusting relationship between mother and

2. Explain to the mother about the pregnancy being experienced : Inform the
mother of the results of examinations that have been carried out that the
condition of the mother and fetus is not good.

3. Explain to the mother that her pregnancy has heart disease complications
and if not treated immediately it will interfere the health of his mother and fetus.
The history of heart disease that you have is very influential on your current
pregnancy, increasing the fetus's need for oxygen and nutrients causes changes
that commonly occur in the circulatory system during pregnancy such as blood
thinning, increased blood volume, causing the heart to work harder, this can
worsen the condition heart disease that the mother suffered before pregnancy.

4. Tell the mother about the risks that will occur in pregnancy with heart
disease such as: abortion can occur, prematurity occurs, low presmaturitis and
apgar UPD. this risk will occur due to impaired blood circulation from mother to

5. Collaborating with a cardiologist so that the mother gets treatment

according to the criteria for the class of heart diseaseand proper management so
that it does not endanger the situation of the mother and fetus.

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