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Active Removal and Controlled Re-Entry

Recommends actively removing defunct space objects from orbit to be brought back into
the Earth’s atmosphere through means of controlled re-entry with the following sample
procedure proposed by the European Space Agency by using a clean-up spacecraft:

a. To determine the location of space objects from the ground, as these objects no
longer transmit telemetry data, utilize radar systems such as the Tracking and
Imaging Radar (TIRA) located in Germany,
b. To approach target debris, use relative navigation provided by LIDAR remote-
sensing technology, then determine exact altitude with a camera,
c. Then, based on rotation rate, size and structure of debris surface, one of these
methods will be used by the clean-up service craft to rendezvous with the
target debris:
- Use of robotic arm or clamp, similar to those demonstrated on
the Swiss CleanSpace One satellite, to grab a suitable area of
target object to stop its motion and bring it back to the Earth’s
atmosphere for controlled re-entry,
- Cast a net on target object, avoiding the need of direct contact ,
then tow away the object back to Earth for controlled re-entry,
d. Aim to actively remove five to ten pieces of defunct space objects each year
from here on now which must be implemented consistently and globally to stabilize the
debris population in the long run,
e. Controlled re-entry of the selected five to ten defunct space objects must take
place over unpopulated areas,
f. Prioritize defunct space objects that are larger in mass, has longer residence time
and has the higher risk of collision to be selected as the targets of active removal and
controlled re-entry;

Passivation Measures
Highly suggests the application of passivation measures to address the issue of accidental
explosions due to unused fuels still on board on defunct space crafts which will include
depleting said unused fuels on defunct space objects, venting their pressure tanks and
switching off their batteries;

Proposes the removal of current and future operating satellites and spacecrafts from
heavily frequented orbits at the end of their missions while they are still under control in
order to reduce their residence time in orbit to prevent more overcrowding of the Earth’s
surrounding orbit as previously applied on the ERS-2 satellite;

Highly urges for the revision of Article VII of the Outer Space treaty which states that
space objects, including non-functioning satellites and other space debris, continue to
belong to the country/countries that launched them
Highly encourages member states to comply to and be consistent with the existing Space
Debris Mitigation Guidelines

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