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ELA Pioneer course Teacher Herson April 28th,2018

How to stay safe online

The internet is great fun but it does have dangers and we want you to be safe online. When you join
a chatroom you'll find people are very friendly but the person you are talking to might not always
be who they say they are. To be added, people sometimes pretend to be your age and unfortunately
they have been cases where adults have pretended to be teenagers and captivate young people
into meeting them in complain and dangerous situations.

In another vein, bullying is a good example of young people using the Internet who have been
persuaded into dangerous situations by many adults. Therefore this is called “grooming”.

Continue with the same theme, there are a few ways you can help make sure you're not in danger
when you use the internet, the first one is never give out your real name and never tell anyone
where you go to school, because that kind of things are the principal people wants to know.
Likewise, another good tip is to only meet someone from a chat-room in a public place with one of
your parents or another adult. If they are genuinely who they say they are they will be happy to do
this and one of the most important is not to give out your address or telephone number. Based on
the same subject, you can use strong, unique passwords. When you’re creating a password for your
account, make sure to include a mix of numbers, symbols, and letters, both uppercase and
lowercase. Avoid using the same passwords for multiple accounts. It’s harder to remember, but it
will keep your information much safer.

As conclusion, if you're using your credit card to shop online, there is risk that your information will
be stolen and used to buy something without your consent. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Only use your credit on websites with the prefix, "https". The "s" in https indicates that the site in
question is using a secure protocol to encrypt communications between you and the website. You'll
see this protocol used on online banking sites and shopping sites if you're looking at sensitive
information. If you don't see "https", the chances of your information being compromised increases.

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