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Student Name: Alaziz

Student ID:

Experiment No 2

Required Experimental knowledge:

The major task of this experiment is to design and test an Analog to Digital Convertor and perform the
conversion of signals to digital or binary form that could be easily represented on segment displays.

The major components which will be used in this experiment are:

1. Breadboard
2. DC supplies
3. Oscilloscope
4. Pulse signal generator
5. Multimeter
6. Different valued capacitors for design purpose
8. 10 segment display for the show of the numeric
9. Different values resistors
10. LF398 IC

What we are going to be doing in this experiment is that we will be designing an analog to digital
conversion circuit and then test it on different AC signals as well.

The major purpose of Analog to Digital or Digital to Analog convertors is that they transform one form of
signal such as heat, temperature and light to a presentable form of signal which can be observed by the
user and application could be performed.

What an Analog to Digital convertor does is that it converts the analog form of signal to a binary form of
signal which can then be easily displayed and understood.

By going through the data sheet of the ADC IC as per the Texas instruments it can be understood how an
ADC IC operates and how the connections are done in order for the circuit to operate.

We have to provide a reference voltage as well as a ground for the operation of IC. A DC supply provides
the input voltage and signal generator will be providing it with the required clock for IC to work. In this
way with the firm knowledge of the ADC IC and other experimental equipments , this particular
experiment will be performed and the analog to digital conversion will be done consequently.

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