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Assignment in Methods of Research

1. This type of thesis is example of analytical thesis because the researchers discuss several
ways to approach modeling a hospital. The thesis focus only on the shortage of critical
medical supplies in healthcare facilities. The concern of this thesis revolve only to
motivate, at least in part, by the dependence on generic pharmaceuticals.
2. The thesis title is "Response Strategies for Critical Supply Shortage in Healthcare", this
work considers quantitative response strategies to mitigate the impact of these shortages.
This study will help to shed light on many characteristics of collaborative sharing among
hospitals in an attempt to maximize the level of service.
3. To improve the management of pharmaceuticals to eliminate wasted cost and improve
service to patients.
4. The main concern of this research is the shortage of critical medical supplies in
healthcare facilities. It is of obvious concern to both medical professionals and patients.
A shortage in healthcare supply chain occurs when a biological product is not
commercially available insufficient quantity to meet patient demand
5. The research is conducted in 10 hospitals near Fayetteville, a city in Arkansas.
6. April 27, 2012
7. Christopher Adkins

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