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A fire caused by unattended candle woke residents of Barangay Cabong in

Borongan City Monday morning.
The fire occurred at an store owned by an octogenarian where flammable materials
are stored.
Authorities are looking in the possibility someone might played the candle causing
the fire.
Neighbors ran out of their homes fearing it would also be part of the fire.
The local government gave cash assistance to the store owner.

Almera C. Abenis1

My Angst, Here it Comes

“Report for a seminar workshop tomorrow,” Ma’am Abella told me formally.
“Where to, Ma’am?” I assume
“Journalism, at City Division.”
My stomach flew butterflies. Remembering vividly when my elementary grade teacher
announcing the forth coming press conference selection of would be writers.
“Would you like to try, Almera?”
“No, I don’t know how to write stories,” I shyly replied.
The reverie of this scene is now here, I can see old faces of my elementary teachers. My
mind is flying up of negative thoughts.
“Well,” I shuddered, “I cannot escape from this finally, here it comes.”
“Why not give it a try,” I pacify myself with glint of hope.
With my pen in hand looking up, the joys and sorrows of a school paper adviser, I’ll grope
for words and topic write on. I’ve seen this scene, from my classmates years ago
crumpling paper, frowning, looking far away. Ah, so I say it was then they were trying to
find maybe the right topic.
“Go, Almera” my thought now is clear, “Give this a try”.
Scribbling a word of two, crumple a paper then throw it to the bin. Begin again from page
1 to 2, the ink of my pen flows.
“Here it comes Baras Elementary School stories, I’ll share first to you and maybe
tomorrow who knows to the world, I hope.”
There’s no turning back… listen, read and give it a try.

Almera C. Abenis

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