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The researchers recommend this study to the society. The society now has enough
understanding about the effects of social networks in their intellectual wellness and somehow, they
now have wider and extensive knowledge about how social networks influence their daily lives.
Aside from that, people have also learned the advantages and disadvantages that social networks
can bring. For this reason, the society are now fully aware if social networks are benefiting them
or not.

The researchers recommend this study to schools. This study can be used by school
administrations as a guide in formulating plans that can be greatly beneficial in informing students
about how enormous the social networks can be in their intellectual dimension of wellness. They
can start offering programs that focus on certain factors that can help students to be more
knowledgeable about social networks and its effects to their overall well-being.

The researchers recommend this study to teachers. As they are the instruments of distilling
knowledge to students, teachers can play a big part in terms of informing their students about the
effects of social networks in their everyday living. Through the help of teachers, students can
develop a new perspective and at the same time, new beliefs that can help them to open their mind.
In this way, people can be urged to evaluate and assess themselves about them using social

The researchers recommend this study to parents. Once they understand how social
networks influence their children’s intellectual dimension of wellness, parents can be a great help
in informing their child when to stop or continue. They can also guide and enlighten their children
in using social networks moderately.

The researchers recommend this study to students. With this research, the students can
have enough information to understand the effects of social networks in their intellectual
dimension of wellness. They might figure out a way for them to enhance their minds in using the
different concepts of intellectual dimension of wellness using social networks.
We recommend this study to future researchers. This would serve as their research
material that can be essential for the completion of their study.

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