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Presenter :

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Good Morning Audience ... Today,

On Saturday 20th January 2018 Congratulations to meet with us at "Dolan TV
which will give you actual news taken factually from the field,
both national and international. I am Dyah Monica, will accompany you for five
minutes later with various information. Well, let's start the news today about the
obeject tourist garden strowberi which is on the city purbalingga which is favorite
tourist object when on holiday.

viewers ... That's all the news today if you have some criticism and suggestions.
And for today's wise word is "Do the Best and do not think to be the best". Finally,
I am Muh.
Adkha and all the crew of Mambaus Sholihin Broadcasting TV,
we say, see you again and .... Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Viva Indonesia .... .... -
ooOoo -....


Halo Halimun's destination friend gently surrounds a cluster of hills around the
foot of Mount Slamet. The cool air sneaks into the chest cavities through each
breath. Green tea gardens stretching wide, silent charm in solemn nature

Panorama of Paradise is what you can get when visiting the Valley of Asri, Serang
Tourism Village, Purbalingga, Central Java.
Moreover, with its location on the alternative path of Banyumas-Pantura, Asri
Serang Valley becomes the main recommendation for you who are traveling
cross-Java to visit at once break for a moment.

Because, to get to Serangan Asri Valley only takes about 45 minutes from
downtown or or 10 minutes from Purbalingga-Pemalang highway.

Purbalingga keeps the fascinating potential of agro-tourism. The area north of this
city which is a hilly area so beautiful scenery. The journey from Gombong
(Kebumen) to Purbalingga city can be reached within one hour. Access the road
was already comfortable to pass.

One of the interesting attractions is strawberry garden (strawberry) in Serang

area, Karangreja, Purbalingga District. This strawberry garden is located 3 km to
the west of Goa Lawa. Access road is quite narrow, but has been paved. Not all
roads are smooth, there is a damaged uphill road about 500 meters.

Fun to travel to strawberry garden Serang. The weather is typical of the

mountains. Lots of good views that are a pity to miss. Its location is at the foot of
Mount Slamet, with hilly contours. In Serang there is also a climbing route to
Mount Slamet you know. So, who likes to climb, get through this route.

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