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(This survey is being conducted for the research regarding "Effect of Social Media".

Your Participation will greatly obtain

the result.)

Name (Optional) : ______________________________ Gender : [ ] Male. [ ] Female

Educational Qualification :_____________________________ Occupation : _______________________

1. What social media sites you prefer to use?

[ ] Facebook [ ] Instagram. [ ] wechat.

[ ] Viber. [ ] Twitter. [ ] Youtube

2. How often do you use the following social media you prefer?

[ ] Never. [ ] Monthly. [ ] Weekly. [ ] Daily

3. How much time do you spend on social media for a day?

[ ] Less than 30 minutes. [ ] 1 - 2 hours

[ ] 3 - 4 hours. [ ] more than 4 hours

4. Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the following statement below:

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

Communication with others

Research capabilities

Academic Performance




Relationship development / companionship

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