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PEOPLE speakout Elementary

3 UNIT 3

Watch the video podcast. Which person’s life is similar to yours?

1  Read the text about Hina. Then watch the video podcast from 0:12 – 0:24 and delete the incorrect
Hina I live and 1 work/walk in London but I’ve got friends and family in
Asia / Australia and America. My sister also lives in London so
I 3 often /usually meet her for 4 dinner / lunch at 5 the weekend /
a restaurant. Where do you 6 live / work?

2  Look at the people below and read the sentences about them. Then watch the video podcast from
0:24-2:53 and underline the correct answer, a or b.


1 She lives in ___________ . 1 He lives in ___________ . 1 He lives in ___________ .

a)  King’s Cross  b)  California. a)  North London  b)  Docklands a)  London  b)  Montpellier
2 She lives with ___________ 2 He lives ___________ . 2 He lives with ___________ .
flatmates. a)  on his own  b)  with friends a)  a friend  b)  on his own
a)  one  b)  two 3  He sees his family ___________ . 3 He sees his mother once a
3 She sees her friends a)  every two years ___________ .
___________ . b)  every week a)  week  b)  month.
a)  sometimes  b)  quite often 4 He likes ___________ with his 4 He likes ___________ with his
4 She likes ___________ with her friends. friends.
friends. a)  having parties a)  going to the pool
a)  going out  b)  going on holiday b)  making music b)  playing football

Glossary: fl at = apartment; flatmates = people you live with in a flat; on his/your own = alone

3  Do you live on your own, or with friends or family? Look at the people below and read their answers.
Then watch the video podcast from 0:48-1:20 and write true (T) or false (F) next to each answer.

She lives with her She lives with her She lives with her She doesn’t live She lives with her
brother in a flat. parents and her family. _____ with her mum and parents and two
T brother. _____ dad. _____ sisters. _____

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PEOPLE speakout Elementary
3 UNIT 3

4  How often do they see their friends and family? Read the answers for the people in Ex 3. Then watch
the video podcast from 1:21-2:00 and write A-E next to each answer.

I see my friends daily.

I try to see them
every day. _____
Mostly I see them at the
weekend. _____
I see my friends every
day at university. _____
I see my family every day
because I live with them.
_____ 3

Glossary: d
 aily = every day

5  What do they like doing with their friends or family? Watch the video podcast from 2:01-2:53 and
tick (✓) the activities the people like. There are three extra activities.

playing games    socialising    watching TV

going to the cinema    cycling    cooking    having family meals
dancing    going to parties

Glossary: s ocialise = go out and do things with friends; meal = lunch, dinner

The way we speak

6  The people in the pictures talk about how often they do things. Watch the video podcast from
1:21-2:00 again and complete the phrases they use.

1 I see my friends 2 There’s quite a 3 Mostly I see 4 I don’t see my 5 I see my friends
daily. big student them at the family very twice or three
community here ___________. ___________. _________ a
so I see my week.
friends quite a

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PEOPLE speakout Elementary
3 UNIT 3

7  Write about your life using the prompts.

I live in _________________________________________________________________________ . (place)
I live ____________________________________________________________________________ . (who?)
I see my friends _______________________________________________________________ . (how often?)
I see my family ___________________________________________________________________ . (when?)
I like _____________________________________________________________________ with my friends.
and _______________________________________________________________ with my family (activities).

Fun Facts
More adults are living at home with their parents because it is too expensive to
move out. Find out more here:

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