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Disusun oleh :
Zakiyyatus Sholikah 1130016001
Firnanda Erindia 1130016002
Siti Hardiyanti 1130016004
Meirda Nuriyana 1130016067

1. Definition
Injectable contraception is a contraceptive tool injected into the body for a
period of time, then entering into the blood vessels is absorbed bit by bit by the
body which is useful to prevent the onset of pregnancy

2. Description
Injectable KB is given to women who want long-term contraceptives
(women who have had enough children)

Contra indication
- Abnormal / vaginal bleeding
- Uterine fibrobioma
- Heart and kidney disease

Miscellaneous KB
1. Contraceptive Injection One Month
2. Contraceptive Injection Three Month
3. Function
The Function are one of the commonly used methods of contaception to
delay pregnancy

4. Strength
1. Very effective
2. Prevention of long-term pregnancy
3. No effect on husband-wife relationship
4. It does not contain esterogen so it does not have a serious impact on heart
disease, and blood clotting disorders
5. Has no effect on breast milk
6. Few side effects
7. Clients do not need to keep injecting drugs
8. Can be used by women aged 35 years to perimenopause.
9. Helps prevent endometrial cancer and ectopic pregnancy
10. Reduce the incidence of benign breast disease
11. Prevent some causes of pelvic inflammatory disease
12. Lowering crescent anemia crisis (sinckle cell)
5. Weakness
1. Often found menstruation disorders, sunch as :
a. Menstruation cycles that elongate
b. Bleeding a lot or a little
c. Irregular bleeding or bleeding cock (spatting)
d. No menstruation
2. Rely heavily on the place of health care facilities (must return injection)
3. Can not be stopped at any time before the following iAnjection
4. The problem of weight is the most common side effect
5. Does not guarantee profection against transmission of sexually transmitted
infections, hepatitis B virus or viral infection 1 delayed fertility after
discontinuation of use
6. The late return of fertility is not due to the occurrence of abnormalities
damage to the genital organs, but because of the inexhaustible release of
injection drug from place of injection.
7. There is a change in serum lipids in long-term use
8. On long-term use may slightly lower bone density
9. In long-term use may cause vaginal dryness, decreased libido, emotional
disorders, headache, nervosity, acne
6. Procedure



Device  Syringe
Preparation  Instrument tub
 Kidneydisk
 Drugs in vials
 Alcohol swab
 Medical waste bin
 Plester
 Family planing book
 Hands scrup
 Gloves
Nurse  Washing hand by using 6 steps role and hand scup
Preparation  Wearing personal protective equipment

Patient  Explain the procedure to the patient

Preparation  Do informed consent because invasive action
Environment  Close the door
Preparation  Set the light
 Set up the curtain or other things to cover the patient seen by
other people
1 Open the vial medicine cover and disinfect it using alcohol swab
of vial rubber area


2 Flip the vial fluid into the rubber on bellow position, then fill the
syringe with vial fluid

3 Adjust the patient's position(sit or tilt)

4 Lower down patient's clothes when the injection is done in the
buttocks, or roll up the sleeve when the injection in the upper arm
5 Desinfection the stabbing area with alcohol swab

6 Inject the syringe at the injection area with the 90 degree angle

7 Do the aspiration, if there is tensile blood, get the syringe out, but,
if there is no blood appear, insert the medicine
8 Take out the syringe and wipe it with alcohol swab and cover
with plaster

9 Tidy up the patient's clothes back

10 Dispose or throw used syringes in medical waste
11 Washing the hands by using six steps role with hands scrup

12 Write in the family planning book about the action and plan of the
next injection date

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