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Project evaluation

Grammar Evidence of comparatives and Evidence of past tense in Evidence of present perfect in 6 points
superlatives (2 points) affirmative and negative form (2 affirmative and negative form.
points) Evidence time expressions such as
already, never, yet, etc. (2 points)
Punctuation Evidence of commas and Evidence of appropriate 1.2 points
and periods. (.6 point) capitalization. (.6 points)

Length 170 words minimum in each .6 point

Connectors Evidence of connectors ( and so Evidence of connector of 1.2 points
but) (.6 point) transitions(First, also, therefore,
however, finally, etc) (.6 point)
Outlining Evidence of an appropriate .6 point
structure in the outline. (.6
Presentation Printed in Arial 12 letter style 1.5 space between lines. The .4 point
(.2 point) project is presented in a folder.
(.2 point)
Total 10 points

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