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7 triggers on getting quality sleep

These are scientifically proven to help you get in that relaxation state and get the
sleep that we need for your mental as well as physical health
1. CBD Oil (idk what it is, it’s kind of cream that will relieve your pain)
2. ASMR (it gives you a very calming pleasureable feeling and it’s relaxing)
3. Reading FICTION FUN BOOKS, that don’t require a lot of thinking, not self-help
or nonfiction books
4. Brain dump everything on your mind, a to-do list or feelings or emotions or
something you’re worrying or thinking about, kind of like writing diary, or
anything on your mind, release the thought that disturb you that makes you
can’t sleep
5. 4-7-8 Method Breathing Technique :
a. Exhale everything,
b. Inhale for 4 seconds
c. Hold for 7 seconds (the most important part)
d. Exhale for 8 seconds
6. Get steamy, get sweaty, make a sauna, take a bath with hot water
7. Lavender oil/candle/vibe

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