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In this experiment, we have to determine the concentration of the unknowns B1 and B by

referring to the calibration curves that we had to plot before. A series of standard solutions is
prepared in order to make the calibration curves. The blank however, is varied. 3 graphs is made
from this experiment which the first one by using the concentration of 0.01M – 0.05M, the
second one by using the concentration of 0.06M – 0.10M and the third one by using the
concentration of 0.10M – 0.15M. the first graph is using distilled water as the blank, 0.05M and
0.1M of Cr(III) solution is used as the blank for the second and the third graphs respectively.

We assumed from the theory that the absorbance will increase as the concentration increase due
to the increment of the amount of analyte in the sample. Concentrated solutions will have more
particles so that they will absorb the intensity of the light more compared to diluted solution
which smaller in the number of particles. The percent T is decrease due to the same reasons. The
remainder of the light intensity that transmitted from the analyte is depending on the number of
particles of the analyte.

If we plotted a graph of percent T with the absorbance, we will have a hyperbolic graph instead
of having a linear graph when we plot a Beer’s Law graph which involve in the value of
concentration and the absorbance.

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