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Ben Gallimore

September 30, 2019

Spanish 301

Reflection 1

This is the first Reflection for my Spanish 301 course at Emory and Henry. This is the

final course in order to have a minor in Spanish. I unfortunately had to skip a year from Spanish

due to class schedule conflicts but I am finally finishing up my minor. I still really enjoy getting

to learn the language and being able to communicate to others from a Spanish background.

So far this semester we have basically revived basic topics such as preterit or imperfect

and por or para. This is helping me get back in to the swing of things since I was out for a while.

We have also learned about when to place an accent in a word and where to place that accent.

This is important in Spanish composition because depending on the placement of the accent, the

word could have a different meaning. We also learned more basic elements of writing as well as

completed various activities to help us learn the language.

For this next section I need to put in more time for this class. I will admit that I have had

a case of senioritis this first month of being back at school but that is going to change. I need to

give myself more time to do the activities before class. I also need to read the lectures more than

once which will help me retain the information better. If I read more and give myself more time

to do the assignments to understand them, then I should do better in this class and hopefully end

up with a good grade.

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