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Is a medical device used by doctors to test the tendon reflex in the knee

. 1. To provoke reactions and reflexes, because reflex testing is an important part of physical

2. To detect abnormalities in the central or peripheral nervous system

PolicyDesinfeksisterilisasi No. Kpts / 480 / K00000 / 2017-S1 A

Reflex examination biceps

1. Sufferers sitting in a relaxed manner

2. Arms in a state of weakness, forearm in position between flexion and extension and little

3. Elbow patient placed on hand or arm examiner

4. The examiner puts his thumb over the biceps tendon, then the thumb with a hammer reflex
(without using the thumb can also, for more stimulation)

5. The main reaction is biceps muscle contraction and then flexion of the lower hand

6. Since biceps is also a supinator for the forearm then often appears supination movement

7. If reflexes rise then the reflexogenous zone will expand and biceps reflex can appear by tapping
the clavicle

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