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I grew up listening to Silvio Rodriguez, a Cuban singer, and specifically a song called Blue

Unicorn. My mom always played put this song to play to for remember, maybe, about her teen

years in at the big city. In this song, Silvio tells us about this sad thing that’s happened to with

him. He lost his Blue Unicorn and he’s looking for help to find it found it. There are There’s a lot

of theories about the meaning of this song in my country and maybe in Latin America , because

this song is a famous one. I’ve already heard listened that Silvio wrote this music about his

favorite pair of for an expensive blue jeans, which were an expensive brand called Unicorn; he

lost this product and this situation led him to write wrote it this song. I like this theory because,

if it is a trueth story, Silvio he transformed this banal thing in something very poetic. Other

more materialists Marxists friends told me that the singer troubadour sang to the

Marxist/Communist utopia, and this Unicorn was the representation of this community ideal

that the singer thought there was losst. And other Other people told me that, he Silvio just

sang about loste dreams and beautifuly ideas that we loset when we grow up. For me, Silvio

Rodriguez is one of the greatest singers in Latin America because of this at: . With with one

simple and beautiful song, he roused a lot of ideas and thoughts in people. Today I listened to

this song again after a long time and I felt that I was this guy looking for his Unicorn. In that

moment, this Unicorn was became the houses and cities where I’ve already lived; it was the

1995, 2010 and 2019 Pablo’s; it was my parents and , my whole family. I’ve lost so many

Unicorns that I can’t count anymore. It was inevitable that the life took them away from me. In

one part of his song the poet screams: “One hundred or one thousand I will pay to whoever for

who finds it”. This is the hopeless scream of a person who that knows the value of loste things.
I wish to find all my Blue Unicorns in one place someday. After all this, I later thought too as I

reflected on the lyrics that it was only when Silvio lost his Unicorn that he was able to write the

most beautiful song from the most beautiful continent. So, I really want more Blue Unicorns

even if I must lose them, because only thenat I will able to write new songs.

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