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Grammar hint - Who questions

WHO questions

Look at the picture bellow! There are two people in it; one is DOING the action of LOOKING at
someone (the man); the other is SUFFERING the action (the woman).
So if you ask a “who” question you have to focus your attention on what person you are asking
about; if you are asking about the AUTHOR of the action, or about the RECEIVER of the

Now, imagine the following situation:

You know Fred, and you see him looking at a girl (You Don’t Know This Girl!!!!!).

Your question would be:

…Who is Fred looking at?
…He is looking at Julia.

(Question about the RECEIVER)

Now, imagine this other situation:

You DON’T know the man, and you see him looking at your friend Julia (This Time You Don’t
Know the Man!!!!!).

Your question would be:

…Who is looking at Julia?
…Fred is.
(Question about the AUTHOR)


Who is playing the guitar?

…Janet is.
(My question is made using the verb to be --> IS)

…Who has dark hair?

…Margie does.
(My question is made using the verb to HAVE --> in the present)

…Who will go to the Halloween party?

…Bob and Meg will.
(My question is made using the verb to GO in the future --> WILL)

As you can see, in all these sentences we don’t know the author of the actions, and this is
the only information we need, so the answer is short and contains only the AUTHOR and the
correspondent auxiliary (do -plural- or does -singular-, if it is in the present; will, if it is in the

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