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GROUP: 263




Part 1: After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence using each one of

the following modal verbs regarding your role as citizen:

 I can show you all the tourist places of the city

 You could visit me next weekend

 You may spend more time with your son

 You must be quiet in the class

 I should read more news

 I ought to stay in bed today, I don`t feel good.

 I have to participate in political process in my city.

 I need to call the police if were necessary

 You had better save more money

 I would like to clean the riverside

Part 2: According to the topic Past Progressive (Unit 1: Topic 3), each student must write 5

things you were doing last night and 5 things you were not:

5 things I was doing last night

 I was watching tv with my family

 I was doing the dinner

 I was doing all my homework

 I was making some cake after the dinner

 I was reading a book to my son before to sleep

5 things I was not doing last night

 I was not sleeping

 I was not listening to music last night

 I was not driving my car

 I was not swimming in the pool

 I was not watching a movie

Part 3: Write a text about the activities you will do on a three-day trip next vacations. Use at

least two pictures related to your journey. You should write three paragraphs:

I will go Cartagena with my family this weekend.

The first day we are going to go to the San Felipe Castle, there we will know about all the

history. I think it is very important and we should go to that place to learn more about it. There

we can take a lot of pictures and my son and my husband are very happy for this trip.
The second day we will go to the beach, we must buy sunscreen for us, we need to take our

camera with us, because we want to take a lot of pictures there; we should spend all day in the

beach swimming and playing, we have to take our lunch in a restaurant near there and in the

afternoon we definitely have to stay to see the sunset.

The third and final day we will go to the Islas del Rosario, we need to buy the tickets early that

morning, we will spend all day in that island and we must return at 6 pm that day, After that

we must go to the airport at 7 :30 and we can take our dinner there. At the end of the day we

can sleep in the plane and have a good travel.


Part 1: After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence using each one of

the following modal verbs regarding your role as citizen: can – could – may - must -

should - ought to – have to – need to- had better - would.

 I can help my neighbor

 Could I help this foundation?

 I may save water every day

 I must pay my taxes

 I should not throw garbage in the streets

 I ought to take care of the environment

 I have to close the water when I brush my teeth.

 I need to do something to help animals.

 I had better listen to the news about my country

 I would make a foundation for the children orphans

Part 2:

According to the topic Past Progressive (Unit 1: Topic 3), each student must write 5 things

you were doing last night and 5 things you were not:


 I was playing the guitar

 I was buying food

 I was writing a Mail for my sister

 I was reading a new book

 I was cooking pasta


 I was not watching movies

 I was not dancing in the party

 I was not eating in the restaurant

 I was not playing video games

 I was not running in the park

Part 3: Write a text about the activities you will do on a three-day trip next vacations

Our sweet trip,

We are going to travel to Spratt Bight in December 2019, we might visit Spratt Bight in

December 2019, right now we should book the flights in our favorite airline at the same time

we ought to book our hotel in that nice place, in this way we will have an excellent price.

The first day in this place we have to check in at the hotel, we may stay at the hotel called Tres

Cascadas, then we should take and organize our things in the rooms after we ought to apply
sunscreen, the rest of the day we can swim in the sea finally, in the evening we will have dinner

at the hotel restaurant.

The second day, we will make a tour in the beaches closest to this, we must wear comfortable

clothes also, we should not separate from the group, as part of the tour, we are going to dive

as a group in a place called the aquarium.

On the third day we could do what we want, I would like to spend the morning playing on the

beach, in the afternoon we will visit the town to buy souvenirs of this beautiful place, we can

take pictures in this place because there are many representative places, in the evening we are

going to book a romantic dinner with my partner while the children have to play in the hotel


Part 1: After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence using each one of

the following modal verbs regarding your role as citizen: can – could – may - must -

should - ought to – have to – need to- had better - would.

 Maria can speak English

 I can dance

 Could I speak to you for a minute?

 I could review the notebook

 May I ask you something?

 We may have to pay an extra fee

 I must go!

 She must pay for repairs to your car herself

 You must try this cake of mani

 You should try this cake.

 Everyone should be on time

 I think you should check your correspondence more carefully.

 I ought to leave now.

 They ought to fix this chair

 You ought to contact a witness to the accident

 You have to call her tomorrow.

 You have to see her tomorrow.

 I need to study

 I need to hire a photographer for my wedding.

 You had better see a doctor.

 We had better rest a while.

 I would go to Maria's party

 She would like to come to the party.

Part 2:


 I was playing the maracas

 I was making dinner

 I was reading a new comedy book

 I was cooking rice

 I was listening to music

 I was in the mall


 I was not eating in the restaurant

 I was not sleeping

 I was not driving my motorcycle

 I was not swimming in the pool

 I was not watching a movie.

 I was not in the store

Part 3:

Summer Vacation

On my summer vacation I traveled to Argentina with my family where there was a beach.

The first day: The trip lasted more than six hours and when we arrived we were exhausted

and we took our bags and entered the hotel. Upon entering the hotel we were greeted by the

receptionists who gave us the card for our room. When we got to the rooms we left the

suitcases and I went to watch the television for a while before going to eat.

Second day: It was very hot during my vacation so I went to the beach almost every day in

the morning. From time to time I went shopping because I had to buy many gifts for my

friends in Colombia.

Third day: The next day we can visit the aquarium, meet the dolphins, sea horses and giant

whales, it will be a great day, and we should also take a cruise and visit another nearby island.

When we were hungry, we went to the buffet, to try all the typical foods of this beautiful city

that was close to there, where there were varied meals, and above all very delicious


Part 1:

 I can go to vote because I have money to transport.

 I could attend the elections if I had money.

 I may choose president, to improve my country

 I must learn to talk politics if I propose.

 I must be more organized when participating.

 I should get up early to go jogging.

 We ought to drive with caution when driving.

 I have to make the best choice.

 I need to get a good job.

 I had better to walk the dog.

 I would do everything possible to avoid contamination.

Part 2:

5 things you were doing last night

 I was sleeping all night long.

 I was playing volleyball with my Friends

 I was looking at the novels

 I was doing the dinner

 I was washing clothes

5 things you were not

 I was not dancing

 I was not exercising

 I was not watching movies

 I was not in the restaurant

 I was not buying clothes

Part 3:

Spectacular weekend in the Town.

Last weekend I woke up at 5:00 a.m., bathed and prepared to travel to my parents' house in the

municipality of Pitalito-Huila, the trip was made by car with my brother and my husband, we

arrived at 10:00 a.m., although we should have to arrived at 09:00, on this first day of rest went

for a walk to the mall, where we could get some fresh air, I can say it was a spectacular day,

we had better a great time.

On the second day, we programmed a trip to San Agustín where we may enter the archeological

park, walk along the trail could be made, we interacted with foreigners, we could delight in the

sugar cane guarapo and the rich empanadas, we need to go to the Strait of Magdalena where

we shared as a family and took many photos, we could enter these tourist sites without any

On the third day, we to eat tamale and suckling pig, we had the opportunity for my father to

prepare it, where it was possible to share and delight us at lunch time, we rested lunch and at

3:00 we ought to start our journey back to the city, I would like would to stay longer, but our

daily work awaited us, must however they were three great and unforgettable days.

Part 4: Students must comment about the partners’ contributions and make corrections if

necessary. Remember: All the participations must be written directly in the forum. Please do not

attach any files because they won’t be taken into account!

Part 4: Students must comment about the partners’contributions and make corrections if


 UNAD Florida. Online Contents. Retrieved from

 Compound adjectives. Sherton English. (1999-2018). Retrieved from

 Compound adjectives. Woodward English. Retrieved from

 Compound adjectives. My English pages. (2018). Retrieved from


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