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1/31/2019 Grading and Logistics | Coursera

Course format:

The course consists of eight lessons each with multiple video lectures. There are in-video quizzes
in the rst two lessons that are not part of the assessment. Lesson 2 concludes with a multiple-
choice quiz that is part of the assessment. All lessons have auto-graded programming
assignments, for which you write MATLAB programs. These are also part of the assessment. You
need to complete them before you can progress any further. To complete the assignments, you
will need to use a MATLAB environment embedded right in the course pages. Before the rst such
assignment in Lesson 1, there will be a short video tutorial on how to use the tool.

Grading policy:

To pass this course you need to get 80% on the Lesson 2 Quiz and you need to complete all 25
programming assignments. Most of these assignments are easy but they do get a little more
challenging near the end of the course.

Mark as completed 1/1

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