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Framingham Public Schools

Robert A. Tremblay, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools

Adam Freudberg, Chair • Gloria Pascual, Vice Chair • Tracey Bryant, Clerk
Noval Alexander • Geoffrey Epstein • Richard A. Finlay
Beverly Hugo • Tiffanie Maskell • Scott Wadland
Yvonne M. Spicer, Mayor
73 Mount Wayte Avenue, Second Floor, Framingham, MA 01702
Telephone: 508-626-9121 Fax: 508-877-4240


DATE AND TIME: August 21, 2019 at 4:30 p.m.

LOCATION: Framingham High School, Principal’s Conference Room

115A Street, Framingham

MEETING CALLED BY: Chair Adam Freudberg

PRESENT: Noval Alexander

Geoffrey Epstein*
Richard Finlay
Adam Freudberg
Beverly Hugo
Tiffanie Maskell
Scott Wadland*
Mayor Yvonne Spicer*

ABSENT: Tracey Bryant

Gloria Pascual

ALSO PRESENT: Attorney Dave Connelly

Call to Order
The Chair called the meeting to order in Open Session at 4:30 p.m., and noted that the School
Committee would not be reconvening back into Open Session at the end of the meeting, but
would be reconvening in Open Session at the next meeting scheduled on September 4, 2019.
The Chair announced that Tracey Bryant notified him that she will be absent due to sickness,
and was just told that Gloria Pascual will also be absent.

Move into Executive Session

Motion: To move into Executive Session to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for
negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract
negotiations with nonunion personnel pursuant to G.L. c. 30A, s. 21(a)(2), specifically regarding
the Superintendent Dr. Robert Tremblay’s proposed contract extension.
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Moved: ​Ms. Maskell Seconded: ​Mr. Finlay Roll Call Vote: ​5-0-0
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Freudberg, Alexander, Maskell)

To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to

conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel
pursuant to G.L. c. 30A, s. 21(a)(2), specifically regarding the Superintendent Dr. Robert
Tremblay’s proposed contract extension.

*Mr. Epstein arrived at 4:39 p.m.

Motion: ​To remove the sentence, “The Committee shall not, without the Superintendent’s
written consent, adopt any policy, by-law, or regulation which impairs or reduces the duties
and authority specified above or afforded by Massachusetts law.” and approve the rest of
Section 3 as written.
Moved​: Mr. Finlay Seconded​: Ms. Maskell Roll Call Vote​: 6-0-0
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Freudberg, Alexander, Epstein, Maskell)

Section #4: Performance Evaluation.

Motion: ​To remove “or so called “360” evaluations” from the sentence “Any and all
anonymous surveys or so-called “360” evaluations shall not be solicited or utilized as part of the
Committee’s cycle review or summative evaluation.”, and approve the rest of that paragraph.
Moved: ​Mr. Freudberg Seconded: ​Ms. Maskell Roll Call Vote: ​6-0-0
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Freudberg, Alexander, Epstein, Maskell)

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Motion: ​To delete the section: All public discussion of the performance of the Superintendent
will be conducted by the Committee only in accordance with the Open Meeting Law and shall
be conducted in open session except for such discussion that is part of the negotiations for
salary or compensation, which shall be conducted in executive session, but keep the following
two paragraphs as written.5
*Mr. Wadland arrived at 4:49 p.m.
Moved:​ Mr. Finlay Seconded​: Mr. Epstein
Discussion​: ​

Amendment: To move “promptly and discreetly” out of the sentence: “Any criticism,
complaints, and suggestions called to the attention of the Committee, or to any member
thereof, shall be promptly and discreetly referred to the Superintendent in writing for study,
disposition, or recommendation as appropriate to facilitate the orderly administration of the
district and to ensure responsiveness to the public and fairness to the Superintendent.”
Moved: ​ Mr. Epstein Seconded​: Ms. Maskell Roll Call Vote:​ 7-0-0
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Alexander, Epstein, Maskell)
Roll Call Vote on Original Motion to delete the paragraph on the Open Meeting Law: ​ 7-0-0
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Alexander, Epstein, Maskell)
*Mayor Spicer arrived at 4:56 p.m.

Section #7 Additional Benefits.

Motion: To change the amount of vacation days that can be carried over from “without any
limitations” to “a maximum number of twenty-five days”.9
Moved​: Mr. Finlay Seconded​: Mr. Wadland Roll Call Vote​: 7-0-0
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Alexander, Epstein, Maskell)
Motion​: To reject the proposal to remove the line “however, unused sick leave will not be paid
upon termination of employment” in section 7c and keep this line in the contract.10
Moved​: Mr. Finlay Seconded​: Mr. Wadland Roll Call Vote​: 7-0-0
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Alexander, Epstein, Maskell)

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Motion​: To add to the end of Section 7d “as long as such time away does not affect the
operations of the District”.12
Moved​: Mr. Wadland Seconded​: Mr. Epstein Roll Call Vote​: 7-0-0
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Alexander, Epstein, Maskell)
Motion​: To approve section 7E as written.
Moved​: Mr. Finlay Seconded​: Mr. Wadland Roll Call Vote​: 7-0-0
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Alexander, Epstein, Maskell)

Motion​: To keep the car allowance at $6,000 instead of the proposed $7,000.14
Moved​: Mr. Finlay Seconded​: Mr. Wadland Roll Call Vote​: 7-0-0
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Alexander, Epstein, Maskell)
7H. Mr. Finlay said that in the past, district provided cell phones were recommended in order
to track usage. ​

Motion​: To accept Section 7H as written.
Moved​: Mr. Epstein Seconded​: Mr. Finlay Roll Call Vote​: 7-0-0
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Alexander, Epstein, Maskell)

Section #8C: Termination.


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Section #9: Expenses. ​

Motion​: To accept Section 9 as written.
Moved​: Ms. Maskell Seconded​: Mr. Finlay Roll Call Vote​: 7-0-0
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Alexander, Epstein, Maskell)

Mr. Freudberg said now there are only three sections remaining to go over, and will start at the
top of the contract.

Section #1: Employment:

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Motion​: To accept the proposal of a six year contract.
Moved​: Mr. Wadland Seconded:​ Ms. Maskell Roll Call Vote​: 7-0-0
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Alexander, Epstein, Maskell)

Section #2: Compensation.

. 26
Motion​: To approve a base salary of $225,000 and remove vacation buy back as an incentive.
Moved​: Mr. Finlay Seconded​: Mr. Wadland Roll Call Vote​: 7-0-0
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Alexander, Epstein, Maskell)

Motion​: To authorize the Chair and Attorney Connelly to provide the School Committee’s
approval and changes, from this meeting, and the prior meeting, to the Superintendent as a
counter offer.
Moved:​ Mr. Wadland Seconded​: Ms. Hugo Roll Call Vote​: 7-0-0

There was discussion if this needs to be brought up again in Executive Session. Attorney
Connelly said if the Superintendent accepts as proposed by the School Committee it would just
have to be voted on in Open Session, but if he counters it would have to be in both Executive
and Open Session.


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Motion: To adjourn and not reconvene in Open Session until the scheduled meeting on
September 4, 2019.
Moved: ​Mr. Finlay Seconded: ​Mr. Epstein Roll Call Vote: ​7-0-0
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Alexander, Epstein, Maskell)

Meeting adjourned at 6:34 p.m.

Meeting Materials
Proposed Superintendent’s Contract with Superintendent’s Proposals and School Committee
tracked changes from Executive Session on August 7, 2019
Consumer Price Index Chart
Chart Showing Districts with Superintendent Contracts Longer than Three Years
MASC 2018 Superintendent Benefits by District
MASC 2018 Superintendent Salary by District
Salary and Benefits by District Summary Spreadsheet
Dr. Tremblay’s Current Contract
MASC Summary, Explanation, and Analysis of Superintendent Contract Provisions

These minutes were approved by the Framingham School Committee in Executive and Open
Session on September 4, 2019.

These minutes were sent to the City of Framingham for posting on September 5, 2019.

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