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As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability to think

for themselves will surely deteriorate.

Technology is simply a collection of techniques, skills, methods and processed used

in production of goods and services, such as scientific investigation. Technology
has made human life comfortable. Everything that we see and use in our daily life
is a gift of technology. But as there are two sides of coin technology also surely
have its advantages and disadvantages For instance, In earlier days, when there
were no calculators, people have to face lot problem even if they want to do simple
calculations. But now a days because of technology, people can easily do simple as
well as complex problem within a seconds. Surely it helped a lot. Due to technology
people became completely dependent on it. so then what is your stand? Do you
agree/disagree or have a conditional stand?

Starting from a basic problem, earlier there were no alarms and mobile phones to
wake you up. we had to completely depend on ourselves. But today, due to invention
of mobile phones and mobile phones, it make the work quite easier, now we dont have
to depend on ourselves to wake up it will ring on the time we set on it. Today, we
are surrounded by technology every minute and every second. But again the
technology of mobile phones helped us a lot. we can easily send messages and we
can easily contact with any one whenever and wherever we want.

Earlier, when there was no advanced technology, people used to solve minor problems
to major problems by discussing on it. But today, they completely depend on
technology to solve each and every problem, they dont even think that it can easily
be solved on discussing and choosing alternative options. However, technology can
easily solve that problem in seconds but human perform activities as per their own
intelligence and using their common sense to solve problems. On contrary,
technology only has artificial intelligence.

Technology has surely affect our thinking. We are completely dependent on

technology for all of aur task. We feel helpless if any of the technologies,
machinery or tools fail to perform.We look for shortcuts everywhere.When there was
no Google, people were still able to find solution, yes it took more time to tackle
that problem. But today, if we get stuck to any problem rather than thinking we
directly Google it.

As per my view, technology has beyond doubt, eased the life of human beings. It has
proves to be great boon in development process of culture and society. However, too
much of anything is bad. Technology should be used with due care and caution only
for the purposed that are benefit for humanity.
A good attempt but the essay lacks clarity. What is your stand?
Moreover, the dependence of technology, how has it affected humans ability to
think? That is what you should also discuss. Made us lazy, has affected our memory
Please review your essay to minimize grammatical errors related to sentence
construction and spelling mistakes

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