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I have the rights to believe that you all guessed what the subject of my presentation today would be: Déjà
What is déjà vu? (Already seen)
Literally, I believe we all know what it means, we all understand French. This expression can be used for
things that are old, out of fashion, or clichés ideas. However, it has another meaning, so what do we mean by
Déjà vu is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or situation currently being
experienced has happened in the past, whether it has or not. We might think we saw it in a dream, or we are
In surveys, about two-thirds of adults report having had at least one déjà vu experience, and the odd
sensation seems to occur most often in people with active imaginations. This phenomenon is also frequent
among children and teenagers. There are more than 40 theories explaining the cause of Déjà vu… That is
because Deja vu is a phenomenon we can’t control or predict, so scientists can’t just sit waiting for it to
happen, this might take years…I’m going to show you a video explaining one of the most popular and
logical theories:
Some other things called Déjà vu: {…}
Other theories to explain Déjà vu, even the most subnormal ones:
Reincarnation (parapsychology)
Some parapsychologists have found other interpretations of déjà vu. Ian Stevenson and other researchers have
written that some cases of déjà vu might be explained on the basis of reincarnation. They have written that déjà vu
experiences occur as people are living their lives not for the first time, but at least the second. The Christian and some
other religions reject this explanation because they do not believe in reincarnation.

Memory based explanations

It is a fact that every experience we go through is backed up in our memory, no matter how old blurry. It may not be in
our conscious, because most of the things we do not remember are in our subconscious. We are like a computer: We
have an active memory called RAM where information is being used. Everything else is backed up in the Hard disk or
subconscious. The longer it stays there, the more rusty it gets… Consequently, when we try to use them again, it is
missing some information and details, but the feeling is still there. That is why, when experiencing a situation a little
similar to another we have had before, we might think it has the same based on how we feel. We will call it then Déjà

Pharmacology (medicine)
Some pharmaceutical drugs, when taken together, have also been a possible cause of déjà vu. Taiminen and
Jääskeläinen (2001) reported the case of healthy male who started experiencing intense and recurrent sensations of
déjà vu while taking the drugs amantadine and phenylpropanolamine together to relieve flu symptoms. He found the
experience so interesting that he continued his treatment and reported it to the psychologists to write up as a case

Psychic Powers (parapsychology)

In parapsychology, precognition, also called future sight, and second sight, is a type of extrasensory
perception that would involve the knowledge of future information or events before they happen. A presentiment is
information about future events that is perceived as emotion.
The mainstream scientific community does not accept the existence of precognition, as with other forms of
extrasensory perception. In addition, this goes against certain beliefs and religions.

Mental Disorders (psychology)

Early researchers tried to establish a link between déjà vu and serious mental disorders, but they failed to find the link
with serious mental disorders. The strongest association of déjà vu is with temporal lobe epilepsy. This is not a big
mental disorder, because most of us experience an electric discharge sometimes, resulting in an erroneous sensation
of memory, occurring in the experience of déjà vu. Scientists have even looked into genetics when considering déjà
vu. Although there is not currently a gene associated with déjà vu, the LGII gene on chromosome 10 is being studied
for a possible link.

Unfortunately, we are no wizards, and therefore, cannot go back in time to have another chance. That is
why, we have to be careful and enjoy every moment because it will not happen again. We have to catch
every opportunity, be careful in what we do or say, consider the results of our actions, because there is a
future to come. We have to enjoy every day as if it is our last but we cannot “live everyday like it’s our last”
because it may not be, and we will have to suffer from the consequences of our acts.

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