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1. The Song of Deborah is a victory hymn, sung by Deborah and Barak, about the defeat of

Canaanite adversaries by some of the tribes of Israel

2. Deborah was a prophetess of the God of the Israelites, the fourth Judge of pre-monarchic Israel

and the only female judge mentioned in the Bible, and the wife of Lapidoth.

3. Deborah become the leader of Israel that look forward for them, a leader thinking his fellow

before herself.

4. The thing that I learn on the Song of Deborah is as a leader always think first your followers that

yourself. And don’t be selfish always look for other that who has the same interest as you

Psalm 8

1. Psalm *8 is about the the talent that God gifts to us and that gift is we should use to serve to our


2. Psalm 8:1 O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory

above the heaven because this one is true , how great is God he gave us everything around us and

God create us and lastly his creation is the best of all and no one measures better than anything else.

3.We may read psalm in the times that we feel down because I psalm it talks about the greatness of

God, through this we may become inspire and we learn how to be better person and start to do our

path to our own greatness.

4. Yes we can use Psalm 8 as guide in our life, Psalm 8 want to tell us that talent is God gifts so we

used our talent to serve God. Through serving God with our talents is better help because we can

help other s but not just them we can also help to improve our self.

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