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When we say ecology, it’s talks about the environment in our surroundings. It is the plants,

trees, animals, organisms and others with life. And when we say Jesus he is the son of God that

sacrifice himself for the sake of every human being.

All things around us is gift from God so we need to take care of them so let’s keep the

oceans, land and air clean, we need to make everything healthy. We need to avoid using things the

can make our surroundings polluted. Keeping the surrounding clean is simply showing love and

respect to God that all of them. And in part of Jesus showing respect and humanity to others is just

like simply respecting him. And in just simply taking care of the surroundings in simple way and

showing respect, honesty, and equality to everyone are some of the ways that we can show our faith

and love to the Father.

Respecting others and keeping our surroundings clean is our way showing appreciation and

saying thanks you to God.

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