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Beach Ball Relays

Beach Balls

Relay races are a lot of fun and here are our favorites which all use a beach ball. For
all of the relay style games below divide players into 2 equal teams. Players run, one
at a time, from the start line with their team to the turnaround point (set up an orange
cone or chair to mark it for both teams) and then back to their team.

Then the next player takes a turn and so on until all players on the team have
completed the course. Pick and choose your favorite relays or mix and match them for
a long crazy relay!

Beach Dodge Ball

Beach balls
Play Dodge ball with beach balls! All the fun and none of the pain.

Players start the game at the end line with one foot in the rectangle. At the whistle
teams rush toward the middle and grab the beach balls only to the right side of the
marker on the center line. Team members throw balls at the opposite team only after
they have crossed back over their own “attack” line. Players may never cross the
middle line or step out of bounds.

Players who are hit with the balls are out of the game. If you catch a ball thrown at
you (before it hit’s the ground) then the thrower is out.

** Bonus: After catching the ball an eliminated player from your team gets to come
back. Hitting a player in the face eliminates the thrower.

Crazy Ball
Beach Ball, Permanent Marker

Write funny things to do on the ball and players stand in a circle and toss the ball back
and forth. When someone catches the ball they must do
the crazy activity that their left thumb lands on. Before
they start they pass the ball. They have to continue with
their crazy activity until someone passes them the ball
Balloon Stomp (rec. +7)
Tie a half blown balloon to each guests ankle with an arms length of string.At the word
Go! everyone tries to stomp on each others to pop. Loads of fun!

Blind man's Bluff (rec. +7)

Blindfold one of the players - the blindfolded player is called the "Blind Man". Spin
them around three times and while you are spinning them the other players quickly
find a place to stand in the room. After the third spin the players are not allowed to
move from their position, but they can move their body's to avoid being touched by
the Blind man. The blind man moves around the room until they touch someone. Then
the blind man, by feeling the face of the person they touched, has to guess who the
person is. If the blind man guesses correctly, the tagged player becomes the blind man.

Limbo Party Game (rec. +5)

Kids try and go as low as they can under a stick that is moved closer to the ground after
each round. You need a long stick or the handle of a broom to play. Two people hold
the Limbo stick about 4 feet off the ground. The kids get in a line and take turns trying
to go underneath the stick by bending backwards.

If the kids touch (with any part of their body) the stick or fall they are out. After every
round the stick gets lowered a few inches. The player to successfully make it
underneath the Limbo stick without touching the stick and at the lowest height
wins. Items from your party can also be used such as a feather boa, foam sword or a
magic fairy wand.

Pin the Tail on the ________ Games

A fun party game that has been around a long time ... and it's still fun for kids! Make it
new and different by using a character from the party theme instead of the
donkey. Pin the bug on a flower, a crown on the princess or a tail on a zebra or
giraffe. Use white sheets and a marker for this activity.

Repeat It Game/Broken Phone

Kids try and repeat what is whispered in their ear to the child next to them. Have the
guests sit in a large circle. The first party guest thinks of a sentence or saying and
whispers it to the child next to them. Then the second child whispers it to the next
child in line and it keeps going until the end when the last child in the circle says out
loud what was whispered to them. The fun happens when the 1st child tells everyone
what the message started out to be!

Silly Racing Games for kids older than 5 and 6 year olds.
Divide kids into teams of two or more for these games. Relay races styles:

Holding a blown up balloon in between the heads of team members

Holding blown up balloons between knees.
Skipping forwards and then backwards.
Balancing a book or other item on their head .
Jumping rope and singing a nursery rhyme or happy birthday while they jump.
Balancing a little ball on the top of their feet.

Water Relay Games

Teams have to move water from one side of the playing field to the the other using
spoons, sponges or cups with holes in the bottom. Great for summer parties because
everyone gets wet! Set out a large tub filled with water at the far end of the field and
two smaller containers that are equal in size next to the teams starting point. Kids run
to the tub, get water and carry it to fill their container.

Water Brigade
Place buckets at each end of the playing field. A very large one at the start of the game
and a smaller one that is empty at the other end of the field. The two small buckets
must be the same size and hold the same amount of water.

You can divide group into two teams or just have fun with one line. Give each team a
small plastic cup. The players must dip their cup into the large container filled with
water and then run down the field and empty their cup into their teams bucket. Then
run back and hand the cup to the next person in line. When a teams bucket is full
they win! Great game for a hot summer day!

Guess and Win

Fill a see through jar or any other type of container with lots of small items such as
beans, pasta or similar stuff. Count them before you put them into the jar. As the
children arrive for the birthday party have them guess how many units they think are
in the jar or container. Write down each kid’s guess.
At the end of the round reveal who guessed closest to the right number.

Fox and Hen Game

Have children sit on the floor in a large circle. Give two bean bags to two children that
are opposite each other in the circle. Name the first bean bag the "Hen" and the
second the "Fox". Children pass the bean bags around the circle to see if the fox can
catch the hen.

Hand Towel Race

Relay race using a hand towel (or any other type of scarf) and water balloons. Divide
children into 2 teams. Give each team a tub of water balloons and a hand towel. Two
at a time the players will each grab an end of the hand towel and place a balloon in the
center. They must race to an object they run around and then back to their teams
without dropping or in any way popping their balloon. First team back wins!

Hot Balloon Potato

Play hot potato using a water balloon with a small hole poked in it that causes a little
leak as it goes around the circle.


Dice activity printable link:

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