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Study Guide PTSI

3rd Week Meeting

IE Challenges in the Current Environment

1. What do you think about traditional and modern marketing?

2. The use of technology and data analytics become very important on expanding a business and/or
increasing company’s income. Do you agree with that statement? Please give your brief explanation.
3. Please mention some e-commerce that helps people a lot in this current business.
4. Tokopedia is an online marketplace that allows individuals and business owners in Indonesia to open
and maintain their stores for free. Give your explanation about the differences between Tokopedia
and other e-commerce, which you can find in our country. (Compare to 2 or 3 competitors)
5. How does Tokopedia anticipate industrial revolution 4.0?
6. Explain about artificial intelligence, and its function for modern industry.
7. Please explain briefly about hard skills and soft skills required in artificial intelligent era.

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