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According to Ferner (2003), “time controls and limits how we use other resources.

Thus, it is often referred to as our most valuable resource.” Similarly, in the health care setting,

time affects both money and quality

Severance and Cervantes (2003). For every individual, there is a finite and

identifiable limit to the minutes and hours available to do work and for leisure. How you use it

defines the person’s character and values about time.

Many students complain about needing more time to perform various roles in

different settings. They have to manage time not only as students but also as a child, partner, or

a friend. Being a student alone is stressful because of the expectation of parents and relatives to

perform well in school. With the escalating burden in the workload of student as graduation

approaches, time management becomes even more difficult. One has to juggle his time for both

academics and clinical duties without compromising his academic performance.

According to Flores (2003) Whoever’s the smart aleck who first christened tardiness

or being habitually late as "Filipino Time" deserves to be publicly shot in Luneta for not only

unfairly maligning the Filipino nation, but for the high-crime of economic sabotage as well. He

or she has condemned the whole country into perpetual inefficiency by coming up with this

convenient and fashionable cultural excuse for not being on time. If we complain or berate

people for being late, he or she can just jokingly blame Filipino Time, even if tardiness

sometimes causes economic wastage, lost opportunities, personal inconveniences, pent-up

emotions, frayed nerves and stress.

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