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Luis Alvarez 1911 – 1988. Frank Drake Born 1930.

The iridium layer, dinosaur death by meteorite A founder of the search for extraterrestrial
impact, and subatomic particle discoveries. intelligence; devised the Drake equation to estimate
the number of intelligent civilizations in our galaxy;
first person to map the center of the Milky Way

Anaximander c. 610 BC – c 546 BC.

An ancient scientific revolution: the first person in
history to recognize that our planet is free in space
and does not need to sit on something. Eudoxus c. 400 — c. 347 BC.
Founded mathematical astronomy by creating the
first mathematical model of the universe, turning
physical reality into something more abstract
offering a new vantage point from which we could
Aristarchus c. 310 BC – c. 230 BC. study the universe.
Promoted the idea that the earth follows a circular
orbit around the sun eighteen centuries before
Nicolaus Copernicus resurrected the idea.

Galileo Galilei 1564 – 1642.

The father of modern science, Galileo discovered
the first moons ever known to orbit another planet
Tycho Brahe 1546 – 1601. and that the Milky Way is made of stars. He
Produced the best star catalog that had ever been rationalized how objects are affected by gravity,
compiled and measured the orbit of Mars with stated the principle of inertia, and proposed the first
unprecedented accuracy, paving the way for theory of relativity.
Kepler’s laws of planetary motion and Newton’s law
of gravity.

Carl Friedrich Gauss 1777 – 1855.

The last master of all mathematics, Gauss
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar 1910 revolutionized number theory; he invented the
– 1995. method of least squares and the fast Fourier
Discovered that massive stars can collapse under transform to recover the position of the lost dwarf
their own gravity to reach infinite densities. Today planet Ceres.
we call these collapsed stars black holes.

Thomas Harriot c. 1560 – 1621

Nicolaus Copernicus 1473 to 1543. The first person in history to map a heavenly body
Started the scientific revolution with his book The after observing it with a telescope – the moon.
Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres, explaining his Probably first to observe sunspots with a telescope,
belief that the solar system is centered on the sun, allowing him to determine the sun’s rotation rate.
not the earth.

Caroline Herschel 1750 – 1848

Democritus c. 460 — c. 370 BC Discovered five comets; produced an award-
Devised an atomic theory featuring tiny particles winning catalogue of nebulae; the brother-sister
always in motion interacting through collisions; team of William & Caroline Herschel increased the
advocated a universe containing an infinity of number of known nebulae from about 100 to 2,500.
diverse inhabited worlds governed by natural,
mechanistic laws rather than gods; deduced that
the light of stars explains the Milky Way’s
appearance; discovered that a cone’s volume is
one-third that of the cylinder with the same base John Herschel 1792 – 1871
and height. Produced the first global survey of the night skies,
discovered hundreds of nebulae and thousands of
double stars; took the first ever photograph on
glass plate; invented the actinometer to measure
the heating power of radiation.

Percival Lowell 1855 – 1916.

‘Discovered’ an enormous network of canals and
Hipparchus c. 190 BC – c. 120 BC. oases on Mars, from which he deduced the
One of antiquity’s greatest scientists: founded the existence of an advanced Martian civilization; his
mathematical discipline of trigonometry; measured search for Planet X led to the discovery of Pluto.
the earth-moon distance accurately; discovered the
precession of the equinoxes; and documented the
positions and magnitudes of over 850 stars. His
combinatorics work was unequalled until 1870.
Georges Lemaître 1894 – 1966.
Discovered that space and the universe are
expanding; discovered Hubble’s law; proposed the
universe began with the explosion of a ‘primeval
Fred Hoyle 1915 – 2001. atom’ whose matter spread and evolved to form the
Proved that most of the naturally occurring galaxies and stars we observe today.
elements in the periodic table were made inside
stars and distributed through space by supernova
explosions; coined the phrase ‘Big Bang’ while
strenuously denying that there had ever been one;
argued for an expanding Steady State universe John Michell 1724 – 1793.
with no beginning or end. The first person in history to suggest black holes
could exist; invented the torsion balance to weigh
our planet; used probability theory to establish that
some star groupings are non-random and therefore
perhaps held together by gravity.
Edwin Hubble 1889 – 1953.
Discovered there are galaxies beyond our own.
Showed we live in a universe of many galaxies,
each an isolated ‘island universe,’ separated by
immense distances. Independently discovered and Isaac Newton 1643 to 1727.
popularized Hubble’s law, believed by most Profoundly changed our understanding of nature
cosmologists to indicate we live in an expanding with his law of universal gravitation and his laws of
universe. motion; invented calculus, the field of mathematics
that dominates the physical sciences; generalized
the binomial theorem; built the first ever reflecting
telescope; showed sunlight is made of all the colors
of the rainbow.
Omar Khayyam 1048 – 1131.
A poet, philosopher and scientist, Khayyam
calculated the length of a year to the most accurate
value ever, and showed how the intersections of
conic sections can be utilized to yield geometric Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin 1900 –
solutions of cubic equations. 1979.
Discovered that the most abundant chemical
elements in stars and hence in the universe are
hydrogen and helium.

Johannes Kepler 1571 to 1630.

Discovered the solar system’s planets follow
elliptical paths; identified that the tides are caused
mainly by the moon; proved how logarithms work; Claudius Ptolemy AD c. 100 – c. 170.
discovered the inverse square law of light intensity; Author of the Almagest, which contained a
his laws of planetary motion led Newton to his law catalogue of over a thousand stars with positions,
of gravitation. relative brightnesses, and constellations; and a
mathematical model predicting the movements of
the planets that was unsurpassed for almost 1,500

Henrietta Leavitt 1868 – 1921.

Discovered that Cepheid variable stars act as a
‘standard candle,’ opening the door to measuring
the distances to far-distant stars and the discovery Gene Shoemaker 1928 to 1997.
of galaxies beyond the Milky Way. The first astrogeologist and a founder of planetary
impact science; proved large craters on Earth were
caused by collisions with asteroids and comets
rather than volcanic activity; proposed microscopic
life could travel between planets on rocks blasted
into space by asteroid impacts.
Rachel Carson 1907 – 1964.
A founder of 20th century environmentalism, her
book Silent Spring led to a reappraisal of the effect of
chemicals such as DDT on the environment, leading
Harold Urey 1893 – 1981. to bans and heavy restrictions.
Discovered deuterium; showed how isotope ratios
in rocks reveal past Earth climates; founded
modern planetary science; the Miller-Urey
experiment demonstrated that electrically sparking
simple gases produces amino acids – the building
blocks of life.
George Washington Carver c.1860 –
Improved the agricultural economy of the United
States by promoting nitrogen-providing peanuts as an
alternative crop to cotton to prevent soil depletion.

Erwin Chargaff 1905 – 2002.

Oswald Avery 1877 – 1955. Chargaff’s rules paved the way to the discovery of
Discovered that DNA passes heredity instructions DNA’s structure.
through successive generations of organisms – it
carries the chemical code of life, as revealed by the
Avery–MacLeod–McCarty experiment.

Jacques Cousteau 1910 – 1997.

Oscar winning marine pioneer; coinvented the
breathe-on-demand valve for SCUBA diving;
James Black 1924 – 2010. popularized marine biology with several dramatic
Revolutionized drug design with beta-blockers for television series.
heart disease and histamine antagonists for stomach

Francis Crick 1916 – 2004.

Codiscovered DNA’s structure and replication
Elizabeth Blackwell 1821 – 1910. mechanism; established the Sequence Hypothesis
The first woman to qualify as a physician in America; and the Central Dogma; discovered that DNA uses a
founder of America’s first medical school for women. triplet code to control the formation of proteins from
amino acids.

Linda Buck Born 1947.

Co-discovered how our sense of smell works: humans Marie Curie 1867 – 1934.
have about 350 different types of odor receptor cell Codiscovered the chemical elements radium and
which send signals directly into the brain’s olfactory polonium; made numerous pioneering contributions to
bulb. the study of radioactive elements; carried out the first
research into the treatment of tumors with radiation.

Santiago Ramón y Cajal 1852 –

1934. Charles Darwin 1809 – 1882.
Founder of modern neuroscience: proved the neuron Authored one of the most famous books in history, On
doctrine, which says that neurons behave as the Origin of Species, in which he described and
biochemically distinct cells rather than a network of provided evidence for the theory of evolution by
interlinked cells. natural selection.
John Eccles 1903 – 1997. Jane Goodall Born 1934.
Discovered how messages pass between nerve cells Ground breaking discoveries in chimpanzee behavior;
in mammals, establishing that both excitatory and established that chimpanzees have similar social
inhibitory processes are chemical in nature, rather behavior to humans and also that they make tools
than electrical. and hunt for meat.

Empedocles c. 490 BC – c 430 BC. Stephen Jay Gould 1941 – 2002.

An ancient theory of natural selection; mass Devised the theory of punctuated equilibrium, which
conservation; and the four elements which are now proposes that evolution consists of long periods of
often misattributed to Aristotle. stability broken by shorter periods of rapid change. An
award-winning author and popularizer of science.

Ronald Fisher 1890 – 1962.

Invented experimental design; devised the statistical Alister Hardy 1896 – 1985.
concept of variance; unified evolution by natural Created the aquatic ape theory, which claims that our
selection with Mendel’s rules of inheritance, so species evolved in water.
defining the new field of population genetics.

William Harvey 1578 to 1657.

Alexander Fleming 1881 – 1955. Explained blood circulation for the first time, showing
Discovered that treating wounds and infections with there is a complete circuit beginning and ending in the
antiseptic agents caused more deaths than if no heart.
action were taken. Discovered penicillin and predicted
the rise of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

George de Hevesy 1885 – 1966.

Pioneered isotopes as tracers to study chemical and
Howard Florey 1898 – 1968. biological processes; discovered how plants and
Howard Florey and his scientific team transformed animals utilize particular chemical elements after they
penicillin from a scientific curiosity into a potent are taken in as nutrients. Discovered element 72,
antibiotic – a magic bullet that has saved countless hafnium.
millions of lives.

Maurice Hilleman 1919 – 2005.

Rosalind Franklin 1920 – 1958. The most prolific inventor of vaccines in history;
Provided much of the experimental data used to developed over forty vaccines; invented eight of the
establish the structure of DNA; discovered that DNA fourteen vaccines used in routine vaccination
can exist in two forms. schedules today; his vaccines may account for as
many as eight million lives saved every year.

Galen 129 – c. 216

Began his practice as a physician to gladiators and Hippocrates 460 BC – c. 370 BC.
established a link between diet and health. Galen The father of Western medicine: systematized
created a flawed doctrine that dominated Western medical treatments, disentangling them from religion
and Arab medicine for 1,500 years. and superstitions; trained physicians; produced a
large body of medical textbooks. The famous
Hippocratic Oath binds physicians to good ethical
Robert Hooke 1635 – 1703. Barbara McClintock 1902 – 1992.
Discovered cells and wrote one of the most significant Groundbreaking genetics: showed that genes switch
books in scientific history, Micrographia, revealing the the physical traits of an organism on or off; discovered
microscopic world for the first time. chromosomal crossover, which increases genetic
variation in species; discovered transposition – that
genes can move about within chromosomes.

Jack Horner Born 1946.

Popularizer of science: discovered that dinosaurs
cared for their young and some nested in colonies. Gregor Mendel 1822 – 1884.
Working on reactivating dormant dinosaur DNA to Founded the science of genetics; identified many of
hatch a modern-day dinosaur. the rules of heredity; identified recessive and
dominant traits, and that traits are passed from
parents to offspring in a mathematically predictable

Irene Joliot-Curie 1897 – 1956.

Codiscovered how to convert stable chemical
elements into ‘designer’ radioactive elements; these
have saved millions of lives and are used in tens of Franz Mesmer 1734 – 1815.
millions of medical procedures every year. Mesmer wrongly believed he had discovered a
remarkable new phenomenon, which he called animal
magnetism. He used this to treat people with
psychosomatic illnesses. The treatment actually
worked through the power of suggestion, later
recognized as the genuine phenomenon of hypnosis
Frances Kelsey 1914 – 2015. (or mesmerism).
In the early 1960s, thousands of children died or were
born malformed because their mothers took the drug
thalidomide during pregnancy. Few ‘thalidomide
babies’ were born in the USA, largely because
Frances Kelsey blocked American sales.
Charles Nicolle 1866 – 1936.
Discovered that typhus is carried by lice; showed how
epidemics could be prevented. Discovered inapparent

Karl Landsteiner 1868 – 1943.

Discovered the human blood group system, paving
the way for safe blood transfusions; discovered the
Rh factor in blood; proved polio is an infectious
disease spread by a virus; discovered haptens. Florence Nightingale 1820 – 1910.
A health pioneer who transformed nursing into a
respected, highly trained profession; used statistics to
analyze wider health outcomes; advocated sanitary
reforms largely credited with adding 20 years to life
expectancy between 1871 and 1935.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 1632 –
The father of microbiology, he used remarkable self-
made lenses to discover single-celled animals and
plants, bacteria, and spermatozoa.
Louis Pasteur 1822 – 1895.
The father of modern microbiology; transformed
chemistry and biology with his discovery of mirror-
image molecules; discovered anaerobic bacteria;
established the germ theory of disease; invented food
Carolus Linnaeus 1707 – 1778. preservation by pasteurization.
Organized our view of the natural world with the two-
part naming system we use to classify all lifeforms;
named and classified about 13,000 lifeforms; broke
with tradition by classifying humans in the same way
as other lifeforms.
the first psychological experiments producing
quantitatively repeatable results.

Linus Pauling 1901 – 1994.

Maverick giant of chemistry; formulated valence bond
theory and electronegativity; founded the fields of
quantum chemistry, molecular biology, and molecular Nettie Stevens 1861 – 1912.
genetics. Discovered the alpha-helix structure of Discovered that an organism’s sex is determined by
proteins; proved that sickle-cell anemia is a molecular its chromosomes, now known as the XY sex-
disease. determination system – the discovery was the first
time a link was demonstrated between a physical
characteristic and chromosome differences.

Wilder Penfield 1891 – 1976.

Pioneer of brain surgery who mapped the human
brain, showing which parts of it are most strongly Susumu Tonegawa Born 1939.
associated with functions such as the different Discovered how the immune system produces
senses, different body movements, and speech. millions of different antibodies to combat almost any
micro-organism. In doing so, he solved the tantalizing
long-term puzzle of antibody diversity.

Philippe Pinel 1745 – 1826.

Founded scientific psychiatry; made humane changes
to the conditions under which mentally ill people were Youyou Tu Born 1930.
held; promoted the idea that mentally ill people should Discovered the drug artemisinin, a treatment for
be understood as individuals. malaria, extracting it from sweet wormwood, an herb
utilized in Chinese fever treatments for more than
2,000 years. Artemisinin and its derivatives have
saved or improved the lives of millions of people.

Francesco Redi 1626 – 1697.

Devised and performed the first controlled
experiments in scientific history; showed that flies
breed and lay eggs and do not spontaneously Harold Urey 1893 – 1981.
generate; founded modern parasitology. Discovered deuterium; showed how isotope ratios in
rocks reveal past Earth climates; founded modern
planetary science; the Miller-Urey experiment
demonstrated that electrically sparking simple gases
produces amino acids – the building blocks of life.

Theodor Schwann 1810 – 1882.

Established that the cell is the basic unit of all living
things; his classification of cells is the foundation of
modern histology; discovered the enzyme pepsin;
identified the role microorganisms play in alcohol Craig Venter Born 1946.
fermentation. First to read the entire genome of a free-living
organism; played a major role in mapping the human
genome; discovered more genes than had ever been
previously documented; created synthetic DNA and
new bacteria species.

Gene Shoemaker 1928 to 1997.

The first astrogeologist and a founder of planetary
impact science; proposed microscopic life could travel
between planets on rocks blasted into space by
asteroid impacts. Andreas Vesalius 1514 – 1564.
Founded modern anatomy, overthrowing
misconceptions about the body that had persisted for
over a thousand years.

B. F. Skinner 1904 – 1990.

The 20th century’s most influential psychologist;
pioneered the science of behaviorism; discovered the
power of positive reinforcement in learning; designed
, on the Famous Scientists website, ordered by

Rudolf Virchow 1821 – 1902.

A founder of both pathology and social medicine,
Virchow correctly identified that diseases are caused
by malfunctioning cells. He named leukemia and was Amedeo Avogadro 1776 – 1856.
the first to catalog and name conditions such The first scientist to realize that elements could exist
embolism, thrombosis, chordoma, and ochronosis. in the form of molecules rather than as individual
atoms; originator of Avogadro’s law.

George Wald 1906 – 1997.

Explained the chemistry of the eye after discovering Jacob Berzelius 1779 – 1848.
the vitamin A chemical cycle that allows our eyes to A founder of modern chemistry: the first person to
record light. Established the chemistry of color vision measure accurate atomic weights for the chemical
and color blindness. elements; discovered three elements: cerium,
thorium, and selenium; devised the modern symbols
for elements; described how chemical bonds form by
electrostatic attraction.

Selman Waksman 1888 – 1973.

Discovered antibiotics made by soil-dwelling bacteria
including streptomycin, the first effective treatment for
tuberculosis; coined the word antibiotic. Niels Bohr 1885 – 1962.
Founded quantum mechanics when he remodeled the
atom so electrons occupied ‘allowed’ orbits around
the nucleus while all other orbits were forbidden;
architect of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum
Alfred R. Wallace 1823 – 1913.
Independently formulated the theory of evolution by
natural selection; was one of the first biologists to
express concern about the effects human activities
were having on the natural world.
Robert Boyle 1627 – 1691.
Transformed chemistry from a field bogged down in
alchemy and mysticism into one based on
measurement. He defined elements, compounds, and
mixtures; and he discovered the first gas law –
Maurice Wilkins 1916 – 2004. Boyle’s Law.
Initiated the experimental research into DNA that
culminated in Watson and Crick’s discovery of its
structure in 1953; crystallized DNA and obtained the
best quality X-ray images of DNA seen at that time,
indicating DNA molecules were helix shaped.
Lawrence Bragg 1890 – 1971.
Discovered how to locate the positions of atoms in
solids using X-ray diffraction, enabling scientists to
build 3D models of the atomic arrangements in solids.
The discovery was arguably the most significant
Sergei Winogradsky 1856 – 1953. experimental breakthrough of twentieth century
Founded microbial ecology; discovered science.
chemosynthetic life forms which obtain energy from
chemical reactions rather than from sunlight;
discovered nitrogen-fixing bacteria in soil that make
nitrates available to green plants.

Hennig Brand 1630 – 1710.

Discovered phosphorus, becoming the first named
person in history to discover a chemical element.

Carl Woese 1916 – 2004.

Discovered a third basic form of life, the Archaea;
redrew the tree of life; revolutionized biology using
genetic analysis, allowing all forms of life to be
included in the study of evolution.
Georg Brandt 1694 – 1768. Michael Faraday 1791 – 1867.
The first named person in history to discover a new Discovered electromagnetic induction; devised
metal – cobalt; was one of the first scientists to Faraday’s laws of electrolysis; discovered the first
condemn alchemy, publicly demonstrating tricks used experimental link between light and magnetism;
by alchemists to make people think they could make carried out the first room-temperature liquefaction of a
gold. gas; discovered benzene.

Robert Bunsen 1811 – 1899. Rosalind Franklin 1920 – 1958.

Discovered cesium and rubidium; discovered the Provided much of the experimental data used to
antidote to arsenic poisoning; invented the zinc- establish the structure of DNA; discovered that DNA
carbon battery and flash photography; discovered can exist in two forms; established that coal acts as a
how geysers operate. molecular sieve.

Erwin Chargaff 1905 – 2002. Willard Gibbs 1839 – 1903.

Chargaff’s rules paved the way to the discovery of Gibbs invented vector analysis and founded the
DNA’s structure. sciences of modern statistical mechanics and
chemical thermodynamics.

Marie Curie 1867 – 1934.

Codiscovered the chemical elements radium and George de Hevesy 1885 – 1966.
polonium; made numerous pioneering contributions to Discovered element 72, hafnium. Pioneered isotopes
the study of radioactive elements; carried out the first as tracers to study chemical and biological processes;
research into the treatment of tumors with radiation. discovered how plants and animals utilize particular
chemical elements after they are taken in as nutrients.

John Dalton 1766 – 1844.

Dalton’s Atomic Theory is the basis of chemistry; Fred Hoyle 1915 – 2001.
discovered Gay-Lussac’s Law relating gases’ Established that most of the naturally occurring
temperature, volume, and pressure; discovered the elements in the periodic table were made inside stars
law of partial gas pressures. and distributed through space by supernova

Democritus c. 460 — c. 370 BC

Devised an atomic theory featuring tiny particles Irene Joliot-Curie 1897 – 1956.
always in motion interacting through collisions; Co-discovered how to convert stable chemical
advocated a universe containing an infinity of diverse elements into ‘designer’ radioactive elements; these
inhabited worlds governed by natural, mechanistic have saved millions of lives and are used in tens of
laws rather than gods; deduced that the light of stars millions of medical procedures every year.
explains the Milky Way’s appearance; discovered that
a cone’s volume is one-third that of the cylinder with
the same base and height.

Martin Klaproth 1743 – 1817.

Discovered the chemical elements uranium,
zirconium, and cerium – naming the first two of these
Empedocles c. 490 BC – c 430 BC. elements; verified the discoveries of titanium,
An ancient theory of natural selection; mass tellurium, and strontium, again naming the first two.
conservation; and the four elements which are now
often misattributed to Aristotle.
Stephanie Kwolek 1923 – 2014. Alfred Nobel 1833 – 1896.
Invented kevlar, the incredibly strong plastic used in Invented dynamite, the blasting cap, gelignite, and
applications ranging from body armor to tennis ballistite; grew enormously wealthy manufacturing
racquet strings. explosives; used his wealth to bequeath annual prizes
in science, literature, and peace.

Antoine Lavoisier 1743 – 1794.

A founder of modern chemistry; discovered oxygen’s Hans Christian Oersted 1777 – 1851.
role in combustion and respiration; discovered that Discovered electromagnetism when he found that
water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen; proved electric current caused a nearby magnetic needle to
that diamond and charcoal are different forms of the move; discovered piperine and achieved the first
same element, which he named carbon. isolation of the element aluminum.

Ernest Lawrence 1901 – 1958. Louis Pasteur 1822 – 1895.

Invented the cyclotron, used by scientific teams in his The father of modern microbiology; transformed
laboratories to discover large numbers of new chemistry and biology with his discovery of mirror-
chemical elements and isotopes. Founded big image molecules; discovered anaerobic bacteria;
science. established the germ theory of disease; invented food
preservation by pasteurization.

Jane Marcet 1769 – 1858.

Author of Conversations on Chemistry, a unique Linus Pauling 1901 – 1994.
textbook for its time written for people with little formal Maverick giant of chemistry; formulated valence bond
education, such as girls and the poor. The book theory and electronegativity; founded the fields of
inspired Michael Faraday to overcome his poor quantum chemistry, molecular biology, and molecular
origins to become a great scientist. genetics. Discovered the alpha-helix structure of
proteins; proved that sickle-cell anemia is a molecular

Dmitri Mendeleev 1834 – 1907.

Discovered the periodic table in a dream. Utilized the
organizing principles of the periodic table to correctly Marguerite Perey 1909 – 1975.
predict the existence and properties of six new Discovered francium, the last of the naturally
chemical elements. occurring chemical elements to be discovered – all
elements since have been produced artificially.

Henry Moseley 1887 – 1915.

Proved that every element’s identity is uniquely William Perkin 1838 – 1907.
determined by its number of protons, establishing this At age 18 started the synthetic dye revolution when
is the true organizing principle of the periodic table; his discovery of mauveine brought the once
correctly predicted the existence of four new chemical formidably expensive color purple to everyone.
elements; invented the atomic battery. Perkins’ revolution took the world by storm,
transforming textiles, foods, and medicine.

Giulio Natta 1903 – 1979.

Discovered how to produce polymer chains with C. V. Raman 1888 – 1970.
orderly spatial arrangements – i.e. stereoregular Discovered that light can donate a small amount of
polymers. energy to a molecule, changing the light’s color and
causing the molecule to vibrate. The color change
acts as a ‘fingerprint’ for the molecule that can be
used to identify molecules and detect diseases such
as cancer.

Alessandro Volta 1745 – 1827.

Pioneer of electrical science; invented the electric
battery; wrote the first electromotive series; isolated
methane for the first time; discovered a methane-air
William Ramsay 1852 – 1916. mixture could be exploded using an electric spark –
Predicted the existence of the noble gases and the basis of the internal combustion engine.
discovered or was first to isolate every member of the
group; created the world’s first neon light.

Sergei Winogradsky 1856 – 1953.

Founded microbial ecology; discovered
Ernest Rutherford 1871 – 1937. chemosynthetic life forms which obtain energy from
The father of nuclear chemistry and nuclear physics; chemical reactions rather than from sunlight;
discovered and named the atomic nucleus, the discovered nitrogen-fixing bacteria in soil that make
proton, the alpha particle, and the beta particle; nitrates available to green plants.
discovered the concept of nuclear half-lives; achieved
the first laboratory transformation of one element into

Glenn Seaborg 1912 to 1999.

Took part in the discovery of ten of the periodic table’s Luis Alvarez 1911 – 1988.
chemical elements. His work on the electronic The iridium layer, dinosaur death by meteorite impact,
structure of elements led to the periodic table being and subatomic particle discoveries.

Anaximander c. 610 BC – c 546 BC.

Hermann Staudinger 1881 – 1965. An ancient scientific revolution: the first person in
Founded macromolecular chemistry when he history to recognize that our planet is free in space
established that molecules made of hundreds of and does not need to sit on something; produced one
thousands of atoms exist; demonstrated that synthetic of the first ever maps of the world.
polymers can make fibers similar to natural fibers;
discovered polyoxymethylene; discovered pyrethroid
natural insecticides.

Mary Anning 1799 – 1847.

Ancient animals, fossils, and paleontology: discovered
the first complete specimen of a plesiosaur; deduced
J. J. Thomson 1856 – 1940. the diets of dinosaurs.
Discovered the electron; invented one of the most
powerful tools in analytical chemistry – the mass
spectrometer; obtained the first evidence for isotopes
of stable elements.

J Harlen Bretz 1882 – 1981.

After decades of ridicule from uniformitarian
geologists established that immense, cataclysmic
floods created extraordinary landscapes in America’s
Harold Urey 1893 – 1981. Pacific Northwest.
Discovered deuterium; showed how isotope ratios in
rocks reveal past Earth climates; founded modern
planetary science; the Miller-Urey experiment
demonstrated that electrically sparking simple gases
produces amino acids – the building blocks of life.
James Croll 1821 – 1890.
Provided the first mechanism accounting for ice ages;
said climate change is caused by periodic changes in
Earth’s orbit affecting the amount of energy received
from the sun; devised the concept of ice-albedo North Atlantic Ocean floor, discovering a submarine
feedback. mountain range – part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge;
invented the ‘electric torpedo,’ the most devastating
naval weapon of the American Civil War.

Georges Cuvier 1769 – 1832.

Father of paleontology; species extinction; master of
comparative anatomy – established that a fossil he John Michell 1724 – 1793.
named pterodactyl was a flying reptile; promoted the First to suggest earthquakes are caused by
theory of catastrophism; argued species were fixed movements of rocks miles below Earth’s surface and
and did not evolve. travel long distances as waves; invented the torsion
balance to weigh our planet.

Eratosthenes c. 276 BC – c. 194 BC.

Accurately calculated Earth’s size 2,500 years ago; Milutin Milanković 1879 – 1958.
founded the science of geography; and devised the The first science-based climate predictions for the
famous prime number sieve. other rocky planets; Milankovitch cycles offer a robust
mathematical explanation of recurring ice ages and
climate change based on Earth’s orbital changes.

Stephen Jay Gould 1941 – 2002.

Paleontologist who devised the theory of punctuated
equilibrium, which proposes that evolution consists of Gene Shoemaker 1928 to 1997.
long periods of stability broken by shorter periods of The first astrogeologist and a founder of planetary
rapid change. An award-winning author and impact science; proved large craters on Earth were
popularizer of science. caused by collisions with asteroids and comets rather
than volcanic activity; proposed microscopic life could
travel between planets on rocks blasted into space by
asteroid impacts.

Jack Horner Born 1946.

Popularizer of science: discovered that dinosaurs
cared for their young and some nested in colonies.
Working on reactivating dormant dinosaur DNA to Nicolas Steno 1638 – 1686.
hatch a modern-day dinosaur. A founder of modern geology; established some of its
fundamental principles, including the law that the
oldest layers of rock are found below younger layers.

James Hutton 1726 – 1797.

Founded modern geology. Found our planet is very
much older than previously believed; devised the Harold Urey 1893 – 1981.
principle of uniformitarianism, which says our world Discovered deuterium; showed how isotope ratios in
was shaped by natural processes such as erosion rocks reveal past Earth climates; founded modern
and deposition; stated the theory of evolution by planetary science; the Miller-Urey experiment
natural selection before Darwin was born. demonstrated that electrically sparking simple gases
produces amino acids – the building blocks of life.

Inge Lehmann 1888 – 1993.

Analyzed earthquake waves to discover that within Alfred Wegener 1880 – 1930.
our planet’s liquid core, at the earth’s center, there is Discovered continental drift, proposing that our planet
a solid core whose diameter is greater than 1,000 km. once consisted of ocean surrounding a single great
continent he called Pangea that split apart over many
millions of years to form the continents we see today.

Matthew Maury 1806 – 1873.

A founder of modern oceanography; mapped the
urname. substance, hence these X-rays act as a form of
fingerprinting to identify the elements present in any

Alhazen c. 965 – c. 1040.

Explained why camera images are upside down;
solved ‘Alhazen’s problem’ concerning reflection of Daniel Bernoulli 1700 – 1782.
light from curved surfaces. Discovered the Bernoulli Effect explaining how aircraft
wings generate lift; formulated a kinetic theory relating
particle speeds in gases to temperature; made major
discoveries in the theory of risk.

Luis Alvarez 1911 – 1988.

The iridium layer, dinosaur death by meteorite impact,
and subatomic particle discoveries.
Aage Bohr 1922 – 2009.
Explained the structure of the atomic nucleus, unifying
the liquid-drop and shell models to produce the
collective model.

André-Marie Ampère 1775 – 1836.

Discovered that wires carrying electric current can
attract and repel magnetically; founded
electromagnetic theory.
Niels Bohr 1885 – 1962.
Founded quantum mechanics when he remodeled the
atom so electrons occupied ‘allowed’ orbits around
the nucleus while all other orbits were forbidden;
architect of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum
Carl Anderson 1905 – 1991. mechanics.
Proved the existence of antimatter with his discovery
of the positron; discovered the muon.

S. N. Bose 1894 – 1974.

Founded quantum statistics with an alternative
Archimedes c. 287 BC – 212 BC. derivation of Planck’s radiation law based on the idea
Founded the sciences of mechanics and hydrostatics, that light photons of the same color are
calculated pi precisely, devised the law of exponents, indistinguishable from one another – particles such as
created new geometrical proofs, invented numerous this are known as bosons.
ingenious mechanical devices and more.

Lawrence Bragg 1890 – 1971.

Aristotle 384 – 322 BC. Discovered how to locate the positions of atoms in
A genius whose philosophical ideas are still taught, solids using X-ray diffraction, enabling scientists to
but his contributions to physics retarded progress for build 3D models of the atomic arrangements in solids.
almost two millennia. The discovery was arguably the most significant
experimental breakthrough of twentieth century

Amedeo Avogadro 1776 – 1856.

The first scientist to realize that elements could exist
in the form of molecules rather than as individual James Chadwick 1891 – 1974.
atoms; originator of Avogadro’s law. Discovered the neutron and led the British scientists
who worked on the Manhattan Project.

Charles Barkla 1877 – 1944.

Showed that X-rays emitted by a substance are Subrahmanyan
related solely to the chemical elements present in the Chandrasekhar 1910 – 1995.
Discovered that massive stars can collapse under
their own gravity to reach infinite densities. Today we
call these collapsed stars black holes.

Michael Faraday 1791 – 1867.

Discovered electromagnetic induction; devised
Faraday’s laws of electrolysis; discovered the first
experimental link between light and magnetism;
John Cockcroft 1897 – 1967. carried out the first room-temperature liquefaction of a
Co-designed and built the first ‘high energy’ particle gas; discovered benzene.
accelerator; produced the first artificial nuclear
disintegration in history; provided experimental proof
that Einstein’s mass-energy equivalence equation E =
mc2 is correct.

Benjamin Franklin 1706 – 1790.

A founding father of the USA, Franklin shaped our
understanding of electricity, coined the electrical
terms positive and negative, and invented the
Arthur Compton 1892 – 1962. lightning rod and bifocal spectacles.
Discovered that light can behave as a particle as well
as a wave, and coined the word photon to describe a
particle of light; discovered that cosmic rays contain
positively charged particles.

Galileo Galilei 1564 – 1642.

The father of modern science, Galileo discovered the
first moons ever known to orbit another planet and
that the Milky Way is made of stars. He rationalized
Marie Curie 1867 – 1934. how objects are affected by gravity, stated the
Co-discovered the chemical elements radium and principle of inertia, and proposed the first theory of
polonium; made numerous pioneering contributions to relativity.
the study of radioactive elements; carried out the first
research into the treatment of tumors with radiation.

Carl Friedrich Gauss 1777 – 1855.

The last master of all mathematics, Gauss
Democritus c. 460 — c. 370 BC revolutionized number theory and invented the
Devised an atomic theory featuring tiny particles method of least squares and the fast Fourier
always in motion interacting through collisions; transform. His profound contributions to the physical
advocated a universe containing an infinity of diverse sciences include Gauss’s Law & Gauss’s Law for
inhabited worlds governed by natural, mechanistic Magnetism.
laws rather than gods; deduced that the light of stars
explains the Milky Way’s appearance; discovered that
a cone’s volume is one-third that of the cylinder with
the same base and height.

Willard Gibbs 1839 – 1903.

Invented vector analysis and founded the sciences of
modern statistical mechanics and chemical
Paul Dirac 1902 – 1984.
Unified quantum mechanics and special relativity
explaining the origin of particle spin; discovered the
concept of antimatter in an equation; founded
quantum electrodynamics.
William Gilbert 1544 – 1603.
Founded the scientific study of magnetism and is
regarded, together with Galileo, as a founding father
of experimental science. Discovered our planet has
two magnetic poles and behaves like a giant magnet.
Albert Einstein 1879 – 1955. Created the world’s first electroscope to detect
Einstein’s theories of special & general relativity electric charge.
delivered a remarkable transformation in our
understanding of light, gravity, and time, while special
relativity yielded the most famous equation in history,
E = mc2. Einstein explained the photoelectric effect,
and provided powerful evidence that atoms and
molecules actually exist.
Joseph Henry 1797 – 1878. Pyotr Kapitsa 1894 – 1984.
Built the world’s most powerful electromagnets; Discovered superfluidity when he observed liquid
discovered electromagnetic induction independently helium flowing without friction – in other words with no
of Faraday; made scientific breakthroughs that loss of kinetic energy.
allowed Samuel Morse to invent the telegraph. The
unit of electrical inductance is named in his honor.

Michio Kaku Born 1947.

Popularizer of science, futurist, and a founder of string
Heinrich Hertz 1857 – 1894. field theory.
Discovered radio waves, proving James Clerk
Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism; discovered the
photoelectric effect, providing a clue to the existence
of the quantum world. The unit of frequency is named
in his honor.
Joseph-Louis Lagrange 1736 – 1813.
Reformulated mechanics in general coordinates using
the calculus of variations, which he himself invented;
discovered the Lagrangian function; created the
concept of potential; discovered the Lagrangian points
David Hilbert 1862 – 1943. in celestial mechanics.
Famed for his 23 problems, Hilbert propelled
mathematics to new heights. He replaced Euclid’s
axioms dating from 2,000 years earlier, allowing the
unification of 2D and 3D geometry; and he created
Hilbert Space, now essential in advanced physical
science. John Michell 1724 – 1793.
Invented the torsion balance to weigh our planet, later
used in the famous Cavendish experiment; the first
person in history to suggest black holes could exist;
the first to suggest the force between two magnets is
governed by an inverse square law.
Robert Hooke 1635 – 1703.
Discovered cells and wrote one of the most significant
books in scientific history, Micrographia, revealing the
microscopic world for the first time; discovered
Hooke’s Law in physics; invented the balance spring,
enabling pocket watches to be made. Johannes Kepler 1571 to 1630.
Discovered the solar system’s planets follow elliptical
paths; identified that ocean tides are caused mainly
by the moon; proved how logarithms work; discovered
the inverse square law of light intensity; his laws of
planetary motion led Newton to his law of gravitation.
Fred Hoyle 1915 – 2001.
Proved that most of the naturally occuring elements in
the periodic table were made inside stars and
distributed through space by supernova explosions;
coined the phrase ‘Big Bang’ while strenuously
denying that there had ever been one; argued for an Ernest Lawrence 1901 – 1958.
expanding Steady State universe with no beginning or Invented the cyclotron used by scientific teams in his
end. laboratories to discover large numbers of new
chemical elements and isotopes. Founded big

Irene Joliot-Curie 1897 – 1956.

Co-discovered how to convert stable chemical
elements into ‘designer’ radioactive elements; these Inge Lehmann 1888 – 1993.
have saved millions of lives and are used in tens of Analyzed earthquake waves to discover that within
millions of medical procedures every year. our planet’s liquid core, at the very center of the earth,
there is a solid core whose diameter is greater than
1,000 km.
after they are thrown because a force is impressed
into them by the thrower; stated planets do not move
because they are divine, but because, like on Earth, a
force of motion had been impressed upon them;
James Clerk Maxwell 1831 – 1879. contradicted Aristotle’s claim that objects dropped
Transformed our understanding of nature: his famous from the same height fall at a rate proportional to their
equations unified the forces of electricity and weights.
magnetism, indicating that light is an electromagnetic
wave. His kinetic theory established that temperature
is entirely dependent on the speeds of particles.

Max Planck 1858 – 1947.

Founded quantum theory with his proposal that hot
objects radiate only certain allowed values of energy,
Lise Meitner 1878 – 1968. all of which are multiples of a number now called the
Discovered that nuclear fission can produce Planck constant – all other values of energy are
enormous amounts of energy; codiscovered the forbidden.
phenomenon of radioactive recoil.

C. V. Raman 1888 – 1970.

Henry Moseley 1887 – 1915. Discovered that light can donate a small amount of
Proved that every chemical element’s identity is energy to a molecule, changing the light’s color and
uniquely determined by its number of protons, causing the molecule to vibrate. The color change
establishing this as the true organizing principle of the acts as a ‘fingerprint’ for the molecule that can be
periodic table; correctly predicted the existence of four used to identify molecules and detect diseases such
new chemical elements; invented the atomic battery. as cancer.

Isaac Newton 1643 to 1727. Ernest Rutherford 1871 – 1937.

Profoundly changed our understanding of nature with The father of nuclear chemistry and nuclear physics;
his law of universal gravitation and his laws of motion; discovered and named the atomic nucleus, the
invented calculus, the field of mathematics that proton, the alpha particle, and the beta particle;
dominates the physical sciences; generalized the discovered the concept of nuclear half-lives; achieved
binomial theorem; built the first ever reflecting the first laboratory transformation of one element into
telescope; showed sunlight is made of all the colors of another.
the rainbow.

Abdus Salam 1926 – 1996. An architect

Emmy Noether 1882 – 1935. of the second great unification in physics, uniting the
Probably the greatest female mathematician in electromagnetic force with the weak nuclear force to
history, Noether’s theorem revealed a fundamental produce the electroweak force.
property of our universe, that for every conservation
law there is an invariant. Her founding work in
abstract algebra revolutionized mathematics.

Niccolo Tartaglia 1500 – 1557.

Founded the modern science of ballistics; refuted
Aristotle’s claim that air sustains motion; provided
Hans Christian Oersted 1777 – 1851. general solutions for cubic equations.
Discovered electromagnetism when he found that
electric current caused a nearby magnetic needle to
move; discovered piperine and achieved the first
isolation of the element aluminum.

J. J. Thomson 1856 – 1940.

Discovered the electron; invented one of the most
powerful tools in analytical chemistry – the mass
spectrometer; obtained the first evidence for isotopes
John Philoponus c. 490 – c. 570 AD. of stable elements.
Began paradigm shifts: said projectiles keep moving
Father of Nuclear Physics- Ernest Rutherford

Father of Nuclear Science- Marie Curie and Pierre

Evangelista Torricelli 1608 – 1647. Father of Computer Science- George Boole and Alan
Invented the barometer and deduced that we live at
the bottom of a heavy sea of air; first to explain why
the wind blows; discovered Gabriel’s horn, a Father of Biology- Aristotle
controversial mathematical object of finite volume but
infinite surface area. Father of the Green Revolution in India- M. S.

Father of the Indian Constitution - Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

Father of American Football- Walter Chauncey Camp

Charles Townes 1915 – 2015.
Invented the laser and maser. Established that the Father of Evolution- Charles Darwin
Milky Way has a supermassive black hole at its Father of modern Olympic- Pierre De Coubertin
Father of Numbers- Pythagoras

Father of Genetics- Gregor Mendel

Father of Internet - Vint Cerf

Alessandro Volta 1745 – 1827.
Pioneer of electrical science; invented the electric Father of Botany- Theophrastus
battery; wrote the first electromotive series; isolated
Father of Scientific Management- Frederick Winslow
methane for the first time; discovered a methane-air
mixture could be exploded using an electric spark –
the basis of the internal combustion engine. Father of Electricity- Benjamin Franklin

Father of Electronics- Michael Faraday

Father of Television- Philo Farnsworth

John Wallis 1616 – 1703. Father of Nuclear Chemistry- Otto Hahn

Discovered the concept of conservation of
momentum; a founder of infinitesimal calculus; Father of Periodic Table- Dmitri Mendeleev
introduced the ∞ symbol for infinity.
Father of Humanism - Francesco Petrarca

Father of Telephone- Alexander Graham Bell

Father of Mobile Phone- Martin Cooper

Ernest Walton 1903 – 1995. Father of Geometry- Euclid

Co-designed and built the first ‘high energy’ particle
accelerator; accelerated protons to split lithium nuclei Father of Microscopy - Antonie Philips Van
into alpha particles – the first transmutation of an Leeuwenhoek
element induced by generated particles; provided
experimental proof that Einstein’s mass-energy Father of Laptop- Bill Moggridge
equivalence equation E = mc2 is correct.
Father of Psychology- Sigmund Freud

Father of Surgery- Sushruta

Father of New France- Samuel de Champlain

Chen-Ning Yang Born 1922. Father of the American Constitution - James

Thought the unthinkable, discovering that parity is not Madison
conserved; Yang-Mills theory is at the heart of the
Standard Model in physics. Father of Plastic Surgery- Sir Harold Gillies

Father of Ayurveda- Dhanwantari

Father of Modern Physics – Galileo Galilei Father of Western Medicine - Hippocrates

Father of the Green Revolution – Norman Ernest Father of modern Medicine- Hippocrates

Father of Microbiology – Antonie Philips Van


Father of Modern Astronomy- Nicolaus Copernicus

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