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Favorite Discussion Responses

Prompt #2: How can you apply the concepts that you have learned about in the readings to
your personal or organizational life? Be specific.
I think that the big idea around the lessons that I can apply to my own work life is the culture of
my organization and great ways to adapt it to the people within it that way I can get the most out
of them. For example, developing our own language, symbols, and processes can help us get
more connected and add identity that way we are setting ourselves up for success from a work
Prompt #2: How can you apply the concepts that you have learned about in the readings to
your personal or organizational life? Be specific.
I can easily see some lessons that can be applied to my regular life within my management roles
that I have been in. Whether that be me recognized systems that can be improved or more
efficient protocols that can be better fitting for certain situations, I can now utilize the methods.
For example, a simple hierarchy may not fit a certain group of equals best when it comes to
making efficient work happen. That is why a circle network may fit better for an organization
working on smaller broken up groups.
Prompt #2: How can you apply the concepts that you have learned about in the readings to
your personal or organizational life? Be specific.
When it comes to my personal life sometime I feel like my home is an organization in a sense. I
have two roommates and they are both emotional and unorganized at times. They both also work
hard, have ambitions, and aren’t afraid to go after their goals. With that being said I am the head
of our household and I could see myself implementing some of these lessons on them in order to
help them realize their potential and for me to get them to help our home function better.
Prompt #2: How can you apply the concepts that you have learned about in the readings to
your personal or organizational life? Be specific.
I think that the big idea around the lessons that I can apply to my own work life is the culture of
my organization and great ways to adapt it to the people within it that way I can get the most out
of them. For example, developing our own language, symbols, and processes can help us get
more connected and add identity that way we are setting ourselves up for success from a work

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