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Death Penalty Positive Side:


The death penalty also called as Capital Punishment is one of the legal process in which a person is
punished and put to death for a crime by the state. It is considered as the ultimate denial of the human
rights. If a person is punished in this manner, a death sentence is a judicial decree, whereas Execution is
the real process of the cause of death of the person. This degrading, inhuman and cruel punishment is
being done in name of justice. It desecrates the right to life which is announced publically or officially in
the Universal declaration of Human Rights. Death penalty is not considered as mandatory rather it is
considered as discretionary in all the capital offenses except the murder case. Background of crime,
physical and mental condition of the offender, age of the accused is taken into account by the judges for
various capital offenses. It is valid and justified form of punishment. One calls it as deterrence while tit is
regarded as potential of executing innocent people by the others. Also one calls it justice, punishment
and retribution while the others say that execution is murder.

The punishment of murder is becoming less and less. Punishment for crime should be cruel and harsh.
The aim of justice system is to protect rights of property, liberty and life. Here death penalty plays very
important role. The criminal has to suffer for his wrongdoing or crime, stops him committing again and
allows other criminals to commit the same. A judge orders a criminal for whole life to be in prison, but
the prisoner is out of prison within 15 years. Thus the criminals continue committing crimes as they do
not have the fear of punishment as they know that they will not be killed. For this death penalty should
be an option so that before breaking the law they may be afraid.

Capital offenses or we can say that capital crimes are the crimes which results in death penalty. Crime is
an obvious part of the society. Death penalty had been practiced by many societies; currently it is
practiced by around 58 nations and has been abolished by 97 countries. Execution of criminals i.e. a
person who executes criminals by order of the law and the political opponents are being used by all the
societies- both to punish the crime and also to suppress the political dissent. In most of the places where
capital punishment is practiced it is restricted for various purposes like treason, murder, part of military
justice or as espionage. In some of the countries sexual crimes like adultery, sodomy, rape and incest
carries death penalty while in Islamic nations religious crimes like apostasy carry death penalty. In most
of the countries that uses the death penalty, drug trafficking is also considered as a capital offense. In
china, some of the serious cases of corruption as well as human trafficking are suffered for wrong doing
by death penalty. In all the cases death penalty is opposed by Amnesty International without exception
regardless of forming part of offender, nature of crime or the method which is used by the state to put a
prisoner to death. Capital punishment has proved to have good benefits in order to determine the
consequences which the criminals deserve in the country. This is required to make certain the moral
values and safety of the society, then there will be no need of the expenses that are involved in death

There are five justifications for implementation of death penalty which are as follows:
The chances that the offender will return back to the society are reducing to nil.

Closure for victims’ families.

Other offenders discourage or deter against the future violations.

For the offender who commits such serious crimes, death penalty is the appropriate punishment.

Rightful societal vengeance is also one of the justifications of death penalty.

Executions are carried out at unsteady cost to the taxpayers: It costs much more to execute a person
rather than to keep him in the prison throughout the entire life. It is being observed that the death
penalty trials are around 20 times more costly than the trials that seek a sentence of life in jail without
any possibility of parole.

No credible evidence is there that the capital punishment causes crime: Scientific studies had failed to
find out that that executions cause people to commit crime more than seeking a sentence of life in
prison. The states where death penalty is not practiced have much less murder rates.

Innocent people are being executed and convicted: The wrong execution of innocent people creates lack
of justice which can never be rectifiable. In the last two years it was found that four men had been
executed wrongfully for the crime which they did not committed. Always there is a risk of an innocent
people to be executed.

Race plays a vital role in deciding who is sentenced to die: The two major factors that decides who lives
and who dies are the race of victim and the race of defendant. It was concluded from the report of
General Accounting Office in the year 1990 that those people who killed the whites were mostly
sentenced to death than those who killed blacks.

The death penalty is asked to be given without aim or purpose at random: The three determining factors
in death penalty case where crime is committed are the politics, jurisdiction and the quality of legal
counsel. The death penalty is considered as a lethal lottery. Out of 22,000 people who commit crime
every year, approximately 150 people are put to death.

Capital punishment goes against every religion: Execution is regarded as immoral by almost all the
religious groups although isolated passages of the religious scriptures have given strength to death

Millions of people spend on death penalty which can be used to help the families of the murder victims:
Many families who have lost their loved ones in murder victims feels that neither death penalty will not
curse their wounds nor will end their pain. In order to help the families’ funds can be used to put their
lives back together crime victim hotlines, counseling, restitution and many other services that addresses
their needs.
A large number of countries round the world had given up the use of death penalty, but the consensus
has not been formed by the world against the use of death penalty. Every year thousands of people are
executed in China, which is the most popular country in the world and it is used regularly by the most
powerful country, the US. The use of capital punishment is retained by eighty four countries in the
world. The use of death penalty is declining in most of the countries and will be abandoned soon.


During the last few decades many studies have sought to find out whether death penalty has doubtful
effector deterrent effect on the homicides rates. Researchers have found out the conclusions very
widely. It is being concluded that a statement of an intention to punish or hurt deters murders, saving
number of people whereas other studies concluded that there is an increase in homicides due to
executions. Most of the people believe that there is no effect due to executions on murder rates. It is
being concluded from the new report on Law and Justice from the committee i.e. the Death Penalty and
the National Research Council Report Deterrence that research on effect of capital punishment on the
homicide rates is useless to determine whether there is increase in death penalty, decrease in death
penalty or has no effect on these rates. The major question arises whether capital punishment is more
or less effective as a cause rather than the punishments like life without possibility of parole is
considered as sensible alternative to death penalty. Simply death penalty is society’s way of concluding
that an individual has a right to die for committing crime. Harsh punishments are given which are
justified by the nature. If the person suffers penalty, it is desirable. Thus punishment is one of the
legitimate purposes of criminal sanction.


An eye for an eye. The death penalty is reserved for the most heinous of crimes, such as murder. Why
should a murderer be allowed to live out the rest of their lives in relative comfort, paid for by the
public? To continue to house, clothe and feed them for the remainder of their natural life at taxpayer
expense makes a mockery of justice. They gave up their right to life when they took the life of another
person, and justice can only be served by their lawful execution.


The death penalty saves lives. Would-be murderers have a better reason to think twice if they know
their life is on the line. Ultimately, only the most severe punishment possible will dissuade the most
violent crimes. Only then will it be clear that the good guys aren’t messing around, because taking an
innocent life would mean forfeiting your own.


The execution of a criminal is the best way to provide closure to the family of their victim. They can
finally put the crime behind them and move on, knowing that there is no possibility of the person who
took away their loved one ever leaving prison and walking free.

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