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I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude towards my guide

Prof. Mr. C.M. Gajare for his constant guidance and encouragement during the past
semester. He always appreciated whatever little progress I have achieved and
continuously gave me much required inspiration by sharing his precious knowledge and

I also thanks to Prof. P. S. Bhambare, HOD Mechanical Engg. Dept. and Prof.
C.M. Gajare Seminar Coordinator for shearing their knowledge and experience.

I sincerely thank to all Teaching as well Non-Teaching Faculty members of

Mechanical Engineering Department, K. J. College of Engg. And Management Research,
Pune, for their support.

Last but not the least, I want to thank all my friends for all their support.

Mr. Raviraj Ram Shahapure

TE Mech.

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