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ROA Se SEES P. VAN DER STAAK OTTO STUDI SUGLI ARMONICI per chitarra EIGHT STUDIES IN HARMONICS ar eee ea hatoa eam ale, sea EDIZIONI SUVINI ZERBONI - MILANO a HERD 7 rai os air arc # + SICA EERO RR oa PREFAZIONE, ‘nti suoni armoniei. In con armonici naturali 0 Il repertorio della chitarra é ricco di molte musiche numerose composizioni intere frasi devono essere eseguit artificial. Generalmente il livello » di queste opere & cosi alto che lo studio degli armonici in esse contenuti determina una ulteriore difficolta Per venire incontro a queste difficolta sono stati seritti questi studi con i quali la maggior parte delle formule di armoniei pud essere studiata con favorevoli risultati. {Lo stile musicale é stato il pit possibile adattato al tipo di armot Le indicazioni di Tempo ¢ Dinamiche sono state omesse per lasciare all’esecutore La massima liberta interpretativa. VOORWOORD In het gitaarrepertoire kan men een overvloed aan werken vinden waarin flageolet- tonen voorkomen. In vele van deze composities dienen hele frases in natuurlijke of kunst- ‘matige flageoletten te worden uitgevoerd. Het gemiddeld technisch peil van deze werken is dermate hoog dat het bestuderen van de flageoletgedeeltes vaak als een extra belasting wordt gevoeld. Om hierin tegemoet te komen werden de voorliggende etudes geschreven, waarmee de belangrijkste flageoletsoorten kunnen worden gesiudeerd onder gunstige technische omstandigheden. De muzikale stijl werd zoveel mogelijk aangepast aan de te behandelen flageoletsoort. Tempo-aanduidingen en dynamische tekens zijn bewust weggelaten om zodoende de uitvoerende optimaal zijn persoonlijke interpretatic te kunnen laten geven. PREFACE, In the guitar—repertoire an abundance of works containing harmonies can be found. In many of these compositions whole phrases have to be played in natural or artificial harmonics. Generally the technical level of these works is so elevated that the study of the harmonics involved often is felt as being an extra incommodity. To meet these difficulties the present studies were written with which the main types of harmonics can be studied under favorable technical circumstances. ‘The musical style has been as much as possible adapted to the type of harmonics involved. Signs for Tempo and Dynamics have been omitted on purpose to leave the performer as much liberty as possible to give his personal interpretation. OTTO STUDI SUGLI ARMONICI per chitarra EIGHT STUDIES IN HARMONICS P. VAN DER STAAK FIVE, SEVEN, NINE AND TWELVE harménicos nat. @ harm, virxn Vit vin ®29O®@ @ ® harm, nat eS harm ts harm, CLOCKWORK LULLABY x x vir LX xn vir 5 2000 oe ©® vin vin MI CHIQUITA VIE XM yap _ vit xn" 6 — xi vn 7 © Face 7 POETIC INTERLUDE hars.s EL RIO PARANA el canto en hars,80é------=---~ ote : 1 ~ II II el canto en hars, 80-----------222ne nee ee eee eee cnc oc cece TENDER FIVE Andantino i “I = NI 1 7 m Los bajos en hars.804------- CUNA ape 2 rallentando o POLKA DOT Ee? t left hand alone ‘mano irquierda sola 2 ae @ r FINE xix | XIX Ja harmonics right hand atone harménicos mano derecha sola [eg eeea XVI

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