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Name: Tavus Bayhanova

TC: 99103530224
Materials: Fabric, knitting rope, hot silicone, silicone eyes and felting.
Report: 4 cases where we can use puppets.
a) Puppets can be used in greetings and routines. It`s a good way to
use the class puppets for routines. Puppets can greet children when
they come to the classroom, puppets can say bye to the children
when they leave the class.

b) Puppets can be used for creating affective terms. A comfortable

and safe environment is very important for learners. For create a
warm reaction with children puppets can give hugs.

c) Puppets can be used for develop oral skills. Learners can read
texts or stories as the puppets. Also they can make a dialog with

d) Puppets can be used for keep the attention. We can keep the
attention of students by doing funny things or for showing the
reactions and emotions by using puppets.

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