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Second International Conference on the teaching of foreign languages to children (Child

Foreign/Second Language Learning), entitled "Facing heterogeneity in the young learner

classroom", Cracow, Poland 26-28 Sept. 2019.


Following 2nd International Conference on Child Foreign Language Learning held in Cracow,
we are planning to publish a volume of selected papers under the tentative title: Facing
heterogeneity in the young learner foreign language classroom, in which we further explore
the notion of diversity and the challenges it poses for teachers of young learners. We are
planning to publish the volume with Springer in the series Second Language Learning and
The goal of the book is to sensitise readers to the dynamics of the teaching-learning process in
the young learners’ classroom. It aims to elucidate that despite length and popularity of
teaching languages, not all young learners will attain similar outcomes due to either their
personal predispositions or the sociocultural environment in which learning takes place.
The book is going to consist of the following parts:

Part I Reasons for heterogeneity in the young learner classroom: theoretical overview.
Part II Variability in child attainment – empirical data
Part III Diversity in FL literacy development
Part IV Teaching learners with Special Educational Needs
Part V Pedagogical solutions for copying with diversity (Teachers, techniques, materials etc.)

Should you wish to submit a paper based on the presentation during the CSFLL conference,
please consider whether your paper fits the theme and falls within one of the strands
suggested. In order to maintain the cohesiveness of the book, we would like the theme of
heterogeneity/diversity permeate throughout the book. For this reason it is advisable that you
include a short discussion of how your paper addresses the notion in the introduction and/or
conclusion of your paper.
All the papers will be peer-reviewed. Prior to the acceptance for the review the papers will be
scrutinized on the following criteria:
- Relevance to the main topic of the book
- Language accuracy and adjustment to the required stylesheet (All papers must be
proofread by a native speaker of English prior to submission).
All papers must be in length between 6000 – 8000 words and follow the APA format for
style and references (see attached).
Please send your papers not later than 30 November, 2019 to the following address:

1. The text should be divided into sections and subsections and it must contain an introductory
and a concluding sections. Please use the decimal system of headings with no more than
four levels (1.1., 1.1.1, etc.). The sections should be left-justified, boldface, 12 point type.
Only the first word and any proper names should be capitalized in section titles. Sections
are separated with a single space.
2. Abbreviations, except for very common ones, must be defined the first time they are used.
3. Use a bold font for titles of articles and section headings only. Italics can be used in text for
highlighting essential information. Do not underline.
4. Tables and diagrams should be numbered sequentially, accompanied by a heading and
clearly related to the section of the text to which they refer ((see Figure 1) in parentheses;
as can be seen in Table 3, etc.). All artwork must be in black and white, and be editable in
Microsoft Word. Tables/figures must be separated from the text with a single space.
5. When text passages, figures, or tables are copied from other works, permission must be
obtained from the copyright holder (usually the original publisher) for both the print and
online format. The signed permission should be enclosed with the manuscript. The source
must be acknowledged in the legend or table heading. If the source is in a foreign language,
a translation should be provided.
6. References in the text of an article should be by the author's name and year of publication,
as in these examples: Jones (1997) in a paper on ... [commonest version]; Jones and Evans
(1997c:22) state that ... [where page number is required]; Evidence is given by Smith et al.
(1994) ... [for three or more authors]. Further exploration of this aspect may be found in
many sources (e.g. Brown and Green 1992; Jackson 1993; White 1991a).
7. References should be set out in an alphabetical order by the author's name in a list at the
end of the paper.
8. The article should be accompanied with an abstract (ca. 200-250 words), 3-5 key words and
information about the contributor (ca. 50-60 words). Your biodata should include your
name, position, institution, together with major research interests.
9. The APA style should be adopted in references; please use the attached document
(downloaded from

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