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I would like to understand reports, essays and other professional texts and in

that way It can help me improve my reading comprehension Also, I would like
to edit educational texts to be able to make professional reports which would be
important for my professional growth. Finally, strengthen my grammar which It
is important to be able to write a text or reports in a formal way.


You have to work hard to achieve your dreams.

It is important for us to acquire a new map of world trade.

Approach the dog carefully because it might be rabid.

Their suffering can be such that their physicians believe that it is best for
them to be rendered unconscious in order to relieve it.

She knew that trait in her husband's character, knew and liked it.

Europe must work towards creating a viable venture capital market as a


We can now discern the true gospel from the false ones.

Its gentle, subtle fragrance, with both floral and fruity notes, takes your
clients on a voyage of intense sensory escape.

Each has its own unique characteristics, yet they share many common

There is a spiritual connection among an album cover, the music that it

represents and the listener's perception.

Culture shapes and influences behavior it does not determine behavior.


They said I am a keen and energetic cyclist.

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