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Frank Loyd B.

Entereso 09/29/19

24/7 Library in Dasmariñas City


The products in the 24/7 Library is composed of books and coffee. Books in the

business are not for sale but they can be borrowed within the premises of the business.

Lending of books is one of the services that the business provides to the client once

they paid for the entrance fee. For the coffee, it is not a part of the payment in the

entrance fee; the client will have to pay separately for the coffee they will be choosing

and they will just go to the circulation counter and ask for the coffee to the staff and pay

for it afterwards.

The business also offers printing, photocopy and free Wi-Fi. Just like the coffee,

printing and photocopying have separate payment and is not included in the entrance

fee. The clients will have to go to circulation counter in the middle of the store with the

library staff waiting for them to print or photocopy and pay for it afterwards. To add, Wi-

Fi is free and is included in the entrance fee.

Price, Place, Promotion, Physical Evidence, Process, and People

The business will charge for the entrance fee per head, and the entrance fee

includes the free Wi-Fi, their stay in the store, and the use of the facilities, books and

amenities. The business also offers coffee, printing and photocopying which is paid

separate in the circulation counter.

To start, once the customer entered the first door they will be greeted by a staff

from the reception desk and from there, they have to go to the reception desk where the

staff will ask for their payment for the entrance fee after that they will proceed to enter

their preferred area to stay. And in the middle of the store, they will see the circulation

desk where library staffs is stationed, it is where the customers will go if they want to

borrow a book, if they will buy coffee, and if they need something to be printed and

photocopied. Lastly, if the customer are done using the area, one of the library staff will

have to check the area where the customer used if there is a thing left and after that, fix

the chairs and other facilities. The customer leaving the store will be bid farewell by the


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