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Adopt a Beginner’s Mind

Divergent Thinking
1. How many uses are there for a shoe?

door stop, container, pattle, bolo, for walking, door pry, window pry, paint
stamp, planter, stash spot, sling, braclet (strings), percussion inst,
tire block, pillow (head prop)

2. How many uses can you think of for a paper clip?

As a paperclip, pop blisters, puncture membranes, scratcher, wood

burning, lock pick, privaccy lock release, sculpture, claymation skeleton,
wire, fastener, poker, gadget reset, hook, tooth pick, to score something,

Beginner’s Mind
This is another characteristic of a Master. Whatever he does, he does
with the enthusiasm of doing it for the first time. This is the source of
his unlimited energy. Every lesson that he teaches (or learns) is a
first lesson. Every dance that he dances, he dances for the first time.
It is always new, personal and alive.
-G​ ary Zukav
One prerequisite for originality is clearly that a person shall not be
inclined to impose his preconceptions on the fact as he sees them.
Rather, he must be able to learn something new, even if this means
that the ideas and notions that are comfortable or dear to him may
be overturned.
-​ David Bohm

“The essence of boredom is to be found in the obsessive search for

novelty. Satisfaction lies in mindful repetition, the discovery of
endless richness in subtle variations on familiar themes.”

​ eorge Leonard

Adopt a Beginner’s Mind

Remember that a beginner’s mind is ​your mind’s​ ​natural state​.

A beginner’s mind isn’t something difficult to attain or something that

takes years of practice to experience.

Such beliefs only make something simple to feel elusive.

You can’t “achieve” a beginner’s mind, nor can you “try” to be open and

Trying only create ​internal tension.​

You can only strip away everything in the way of experiencing this
natural state, emptying the teacup so that new perspectives and ideas
can emerge.

To return to a beginner’s mind, find a way of calming and quieting your

mental chatter.

Below are four useful methods to help empty your mind.

Experiment with them and see what works best for you.

1: Mindful Breathing

2: Grounding

3: Mindful Observation

4: Dropping Labels & Identifications

The Habit of Beginner’s Mind

Although the beginner’s mind is natural, over the course of living, we

tend to lose this natural quality of consciousness.

Now, to return to this natural state, you need to install a new pattern.
The above exercises can help. Try using them whenever you want to
open up to new possibilities.

Or find something else that works for you.

Experiment with these methods before you start working on a project or

brainstorming with others.

It’s also helpful when you’re wrestling with a difficult decision.

Remind yourself that whatever you currently see―whatever is known to

you at present―is only a perspective.

There are ​many​ other equally valid perspectives too.

In returning to the mindset of the beginner, you open up to new worlds of

ideas and possibilities.

List Personal Values

1) Peak Experiences

Consider a meaningful moment—a peak experience that stands out.

What was happening to you? What was going on?

What values were you honoring at this time?

2) Suppressed Values

Now, go in the opposite direction; consider a time when you got angry,
frustrated, or upset.

What was going on? What were you feeling? Now flip those feelings
around. What value is being suppressed?

3) Code of Conduct

What’s most important in your life? Beyond your basic human needs,
what ​must​ you have in your life to experience fulfillment?

Creative self-expression? A strong level of health and vitality? A sense

of excitement and adventure? Surrounded by beauty? Always learning?

What are the personal values you must honor or a part of you withers?

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