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Physics Unit 2 – Study Guide

1. What is the difference between speed and velocity?

2. What is the formula for velocity? Give some examples of the units for velocity.

3. Using the above formula: (hint: draw the triangle)

a. What is the formula for distance? Give some examples of units for distance.
b. What is the formula for time? Give some examples of units for time.

4. What is acceleration? What units are used for acceleration?

5. What are the 3 different ways an object can accelerate?

6. Can acceleration be expressed as a negative number? What is this called?

7. What do Vf and Vi stand for?

8. Define instantaneous speed? What is a common instrument that measures this type of speed?

9. What are some “zero” words?

10. If a ball is thrown straight up in the air, what happens to its speed & acceleration? What is the speed at
the top of its trajectory?

11. Define free fall.

12. What is the value of the acceleration due to gravity? What is this commonly called?

13. When an object is falling, how does the objects velocity change? What formula do you use?

14. What is a falling objects speed at 6s, 8.9s, 112s ?

15. If an object is falling at 65 m/s. How long has it been falling? What is the formula that you use?

16. What formula is used to determine the distance an object has fallen?

17. Using the times given in problem 14. Determine the distance fallen for each.

18. If an object has fallen a distance of 87.3m. How long was it falling?

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