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Directions: Label the part of speech for each underlined word. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

11. Today, I will wear my yellow skirt.

A. noun

B. common noun

C. adjective

D. adverb

12. Nica loves cookies, but she hates baking.

A. noun

B. pronoun

C. common noun

D. abstract noun

13. She appears upset about the announcement.

A. adverb

B. action verb

C. linking verb

D. phrasal verb

14. When Mary Joy was sent to Florida, Joseph leave the old house with Moley.

A. adverb

B. action verb

C. helping verb

D. linking verb

15. “Andrei was the most terrible man I ever knew!”, Angela added.

A. adverb

b. adjective
c. action verb

d. preposition

16. She looks so perfect in her wedding dress.

A. noun

B. pronoun

C. proper noun

D. possessive noun

17. She had a thin face and a little thin body, thin light hair and a sour expression.

A. adverb

B. adjective

C. concrete noun

D. abstract noun

18. “I put the flowers above her desk earlier this morning,” he said.

A. preposition

B. adjective

C. subordination conjunction

D. coordinating conjunction

Analysis 19-21

Directions: For item 19 and 20, analyze each sentence and identify what makes the sentence incorrect.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

19. Angelika bought two books at the bookstore with Andrew. These books are his favorites.

A. The preposition “at”. It should be “in”

B. The word “bookstore”. The first letter should be capitalized since it is a proper noun.
C. The pronoun “his”. Since the subject is referring to Angelika, a girl, it should be “her”.
D. The demonstrative pronoun “These”. Since it takes the place of a noun a single demonstrative
word, it should be “this”.

20. Nico, Andrew, and Jeremey are extremely excited for our trip to Costa Rica. The word extremely is
an adverb. These kind of adverb is an adverb or manner.

A. The adverb “extremely” must be replaced by “extremes” since it is referring to two or more
B. The linking verb “are”. Since Jeremy is single person it must be replaced by “is”
C. The demonstrative pronoun “These”. Since it takes the place of a noun a single demonstrative
word, it should be “this”.
D. The adjective “excited” must be replaced by “excites”

21. What differentiate adjectival phrase from adverbial phrase?

A. Adjectival phrase is a prepositional phrase that modifies a noun or pronoun. It is often equivalent to
an adjective. While adverbial place unlike adverbs, does not answer the question when, where, how,
and to what extent?
B. Adjectival phrase is a prepositional phrase that modifies a noun or pronoun. It is often equivalent to a
verb. While adverbial place unlike adverbs, does not answer the question when, where, how, and to
what extent?
C. Adjectival phrase is a prepositional phrase that modifies a noun or pronoun. It is often equivalent to a
verb. While adverbial place is a prepositional phrase that modifies a verb, an adjective or an adverb.
D. Adjectival phrase is a prepositional phrase that modifies a noun or pronoun. It is often equivalent
to an adjective. While adverbial place is a prepositional phrase that modifies a verb, an adjective or an

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