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Musician Attitude

An individual’s general attitude of worship is largely determined by his concept of the

Godhead he is worshipping.
If one realizes the true attributes of God the father-His being, character and works, he
will approach him with the proper recognition of His worth. If, however, God is no
bigger than an individual’s personal needs and experiences, the approach to God will be
more self-centered and less worshipful.
A good example is the relationship of a child to his parents. Until a child reaches
maturity, his main devotion to his parents is primarily what they can and will do for
him. Later, however, he begins to see his parents in a new way. He recognizes the
qualities in his parents that make him appreciate them simply for what they are
themselves. Spiritual maturity, too, requires this kind of recognition of God. It is for this
reason that every worship should include the singing of hymns and expressions of praise
solely in worship and adoration of God for who and what He is. This is generally spoken
of as the objective approach to worship.
A leader of worship must lead people into the presence of God the father and thereby
develop in them a realization of the greatness of God, but he must also quicken in them
an awareness and appreciation of their personal salvation since the Christian revelation
of God is only fully realized in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. This is what gives
worship warmth and vitality. This is the subjective approach to worship.

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